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Example sentences for "commaundment"

Lexicographically close words:
commaunde; commaunded; commaundement; commaundeth; commaunding; comme; commedia; commedie; commemorate; commemorated
  1. And the childern of Israell dyd euen so/ and Ioseph gaue them charettes at the commaundment of Pharao/ and gaue them vitayle also to spende by the waye.

  2. They dyd therfore a commaundment vnto Ioseph saynge: thy father charged before his deth saynge.

  3. And there as John Bokkyng seith that John Jenney hath no commaundment of my Lord to pursue hys ryght, it shewyth off reson that seth he ys of hys councell in especiall for that shyre, he ought doo hys ryzt to be savyd and kept of hys dewtee.

  4. Well,' quod yong Debnam, 'I had in commaundment for to have the rewle of the seyd barge, and I wolle be at Yermothe as thys day iiij.

  5. The seruaunt with this commaundment did departe, and Massinissa lyke a Chylde beaten with the rodde, wept and cried.

  6. I leaue for you to think whether this vnhappy louer were amazed or not, to heare a Commaundment so vniust, and therewithall the difficulty for the performance.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commaundment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.