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Example sentences for "epitomises"

Lexicographically close words:
epithet; epithets; epitome; epitomes; epitomised; epitomize; epitomized; epitomizes; epizootic; epoch
  1. The label is nothing but a symbol that epitomises for busy humanity the significance of things regarded as "means.

  2. In his splendid historical novel "Le Chien d'Or," whilst venturing on the boldest flights of imagination, he thus epitomises some striking historical features of the state residence of the French Viceroys of Canada.

  3. Moshiem, abundantly prove his acquaintance with the subject; in giving a synopsis of the contents of the Augsburg Confession, thus epitomises the 24th Article: "The Protestants are falsely taxed with abolishing the mass.

  4. I wish you would tell me what you feel; I mean, I wish you would tell me what impresses itself most on your mind, and, as it were, epitomises the whole.

  5. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "epitomises" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.