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Example sentences for "murtherers"

Lexicographically close words:
murrhine; murs; murther; murthered; murtherer; murthering; murtherous; murthers; murti; murum
  1. Bring him foorth too; perchance the murtherers May have their hearts touched with due remorse, Viewing their deeds of damned wickednesse.

  2. One of the Murtherers takes Falleria by the sleeve.

  3. Bring in those bodyes, it growes towards night; God bring these damn'd murtherers at length to light!

  4. Stand forth thou close disguised hipocrite, And speake directlie to these articles: First, didst thou hire two bloodie murtherers To massacre Pertillo in a wood?

  5. Not till I sheath it in a murtherers skin Hub.

  6. My selfe and Beauford had him in protection, And we I hope sir, are no murtherers War.

  7. Sidenote: The two murtherers of the two princes appointed.

  8. Killing no Murther, being an Account of the severe Justice design'd to be inflicted on the barbarous Murtherers of the honest Constable at Bow, but unhappily prevented by my Lord N.

  9. Now Captain of my guarde, are these murtherers ready?

  10. England fifteene yeares, the murtherers of whom being afterwards taken, were terriblie executed.

  11. The vicount Narbonne was hanged on a gibbet, bicause he was one of the murtherers of the duke of Burgognie.

  12. Also that on of the murtherers was taken which kild the Japons in the bark, but as yet will not confes whoe were his companions.

  13. Ther was a bose or pagon prist murthered in his howse; but the murtherers canot yet be fownd out.

  14. Portus, saying they were murtherers of their capt.

  15. So the admerell called a councell, where it was determined to seek out the murtherers or strife makers on both partes, and to punish them with death or otherwais, according to desert.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "murtherers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.