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Example sentences for "sequitur"

Lexicographically close words:
sequestred; sequestrum; sequi; sequin; sequins; sequoias; sequuntur; ser; sera; seracs
  1. Honor sequitur fugientem=--Honour follows him who flies from her.

  2. Duos qui sequitur lepores neutrum capit=--He who follows two hares is sure to catch neither.

  3. In re empta in primis solui debet pretium, postea sequitur traditio rei: soluitur hic pretium pro natiuo, set nulla subsequitur traditio, sed semper manet in uillenagio quo prius.

  4. By reasoning from their activities in virtue of the principle, Operari sequitur esse.

  5. Operari sequitur esse; we have no other key than this to knowledge of their specific natures.

  6. This argument is not founded upon probabilities, but upon the first principles of Metaphysics, non entis nulla sunt accidentia, operari sequitur esse, axioms as clear as daylight.

  7. For, as Cicero says in the same book: 'Sequitur porro nihil Deos ignorare, quod omnia ab iis sint constituta.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sequitur" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.