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Example sentences for "abattoirs"

Lexicographically close words:
abateth; abating; abatis; abattis; abattoir; abbacies; abbacy; abbat; abbate; abbatem
  1. The abattoirs are situated on the shore of the bay, where the pure sea breezes keep them fresh and healthful, and the refuse matter and filth are thrown into the water and carried off by the tide.

  2. There is no danger of foot-and-mouth disease getting beyond the abattoirs or of the slaughter of diseased cattle for food, and both tanners and butchers hope to see the removal of the embargo.

  3. The hides from these abattoirs are generally well-flayed, properly cured, and closely trimmed, with the result that they command higher prices than any other class of salted hides.

  4. This exemplifies only one of several advantages of modern abattoirs over private slaughterhouses.

  5. At this point it is not very interesting, but from the Avenue de la Republique, where it re-emerges again into the light of day, and thence right away to the Abattoirs de Villette, it is very amusing to stroll by.

  6. There are five public Abattoirs - within the walls, though in the suburbs - and in these all the slaughtering for the city must be performed.

  7. The abattoirs are all within the walls of Paris, with an eye to the receipt of the octroi duty; but, they stand in open places in the suburbs, removed from the press and bustle of the city.

  8. It was true, then, that these human brutes from the abattoirs were here.

  9. Among the latter, too, was the particularly heavy stick of the patriot from the abattoirs of La Villette.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abattoirs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.