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Example sentences for "bestrewed"

Lexicographically close words:
bestowing; bestowment; bestowments; bestows; bestrew; bestrewn; bestridden; bestride; bestrides; bestriding
  1. Next day we saw near one of the islands, where the water was very clear, the sea-bottom bestrewed with innumerable fish of the same species.

  2. When the navigator has gone a little further north and come to an ice-bestrewed sea, the swell ceases at once, the wind is hushed and the sea becomes bright as a mirror, rising and sinking with a slow gentle heaving.

  3. A multitude of ships and fishing-boats bestrewed the surface of the lake, which was of a deep blue colour, as blue as sapphire; and the waves thereof were very still, because no wind at all was blowing.

  4. That this mill should have been built of stone is in no way surprising, considering that the surface of the ground must have been bestrewed with stones of proper size and shape ready to the builders' hands.

  5. By night a ridged and chimneyed blackness bestrewed with lights rewards the curious gazer from the deck of a Sound steamboat.

  6. Contrary to the English fashion, the fields contain a mixed crop, such as brocoli plants, potatoes, and parsnips, the former of which are generally well bestrewed with vraic.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bestrewed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.