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Example sentences for "bondholder"

Lexicographically close words:
bondage; bonde; bonded; bonders; bondes; bondholders; bondi; bonding; bondmaid; bondmaids
  1. Can a bondholder in your company have information of the condition of these investments any time?

  2. Very frequently indeed the junior bondholder will come out of a reorganization as simply a preferred stockholder--which is what he practically was all the time.

  3. To buy a bond from a bondholder is purchase and sale.

  4. If, on the other hand, the bondholder can legally demand only the kind of money he paid, he is a repudiator and an extortioner to demand money more valuable than he gave.

  5. So far as the bondholder is concerned, it is an executed law.

  6. He ought to be so no longer, and the moment that a bond could be bought with currency at par in gold, all discrimination in favor of the bondholder would disappear.

  7. There is talk about the bondholder being a privileged person.

  8. I think the bondholder violates his promise when he refuses to take the same kind of money he paid for the bonds.

  9. I'm not a bloated bondholder like the Codfish.

  10. I'm not a bloated bondholder like you, but I'll go my halves.

  11. On the other hand, if a concern is very successful, a shareholder may receive large dividends, while the bondholder receives only the stipulated interest.

  12. Explain very fully the difference as to resource and liability between a bondholder and a stockholder.

  13. The bondholder had laid his grasp on him.

  14. Still, the bondholder fancied it would not be insuperably difficult to contrive that the occasion did not arise.

  15. Bondholder who's been bleeding me quite a few years now.

  16. If it is right for the stockholder of a railway to receive dividends, it is equally right for the bondholder to receive interest.

  17. Ordinarily the bondholder is adequately protected against the loss of his capital by a mortgage on the railroad.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bondholder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.