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Example sentences for "bookmark"

Lexicographically close words:
booklets; bookmaker; bookmakers; bookmaking; bookman; bookmen; bookplate; bookrack; books; bookseller
  1. And, yet, there was the gargoyle bookmark in the inside cover, the same as in our Shakespeare.

  2. It was a bookmark and, though she had not seen the mark in the missing Shakespeare, she knew from Lucile's description of it that this must be an exact duplicate.

  3. Fortunately the dealer did not notice her distress but pointing to the bookmark went on: "If that gargoyle could talk now, if it could tell its story and the story of the book it marks, what a yarn it might spin.

  4. And, and," Lucile whispered the words, "was there a bookmark in the upper corner of the inside of the front cover?

  5. Mr. Wrandall laid his book on the table without thinking to put the bookmark in place.

  6. A Bookmark [379] A very handy bookmark can be made by attaching a narrow ribbon to an ordinary paper clip and using it as shown in the sketch.

  7. Paper-Clip Bookmark [241] The combination of a paper clip and a calling card makes a good bookmark.

  8. How to Make a Brass Bookmark [18] Secure a piece of brass of No.

  9. XVI Comfortable Books Jonathan methodically tucked his bookmark into "The Virginians," and, closing the fat green volume, began to knock the ashes out of his pipe against the bricked sides of the fireplace.

  10. Later on Felicity told me she had worked the bookmark for him because his father used to drink before he ran away.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bookmark" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cairn; landmark; lighthouse; mark; marker; milestone; monument; platform; tower; watchtower