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Example sentences for "brachycephaly"

Lexicographically close words:
brachialis; brachiopod; brachiopods; brachium; brachycephalic; bracing; bracings; brack; bracken; brackens
  1. He found brachycephaly common in the New Hebrides, indices of 81, and even of 85, not being rare.

  2. It would, therefore, appear from these observations that, whilst brachycephaly is not uncommon, dolichocephaly is more frequent, and mesocephaly prevails.

  3. The results show a preponderance of brachycephalics or of dolichocephalics in the places where the mean cephalic index is respectively highest for brachycephaly (Orte) or for dolichocephaly (Castelli Romani).

  4. The different grades of dolicho- or brachycephaly are to be determined by mean averages, and the oscillations due to individual variations, by series.

  5. Brachycephaly predominated (seventeen cases); the rest were mesaticephalic; there were no dolichocephals.

  6. In the case of the philosopher Kant his ultra-brachycephaly could not be charged to race, since he sprang from dolichocephalic Scotch on one side and dolichocephalic Germans on the other.

  7. Simple brachycephaly is due to early synostosis of the nasal and sphenoid.

  8. It would be difficult to exceed this brachycephaly anywhere in the world.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brachycephaly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.