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Example sentences for "brightnes"

Lexicographically close words:
brightening; brightens; brighter; brightest; brightly; brightness; brightnesse; brightnesses; brigs; brillant
  1. The brightnes of the works expressed through the reflexion of the lights, and the sparkling of the pretious stones were such, as my eies dazeled to behold them.

  2. But he that is indued with wisedome, let him consider of the glorious brightnes thereof.

  3. Alas, madame, forget I beseech you this foolish order, cast vnder your feete this determination wickedly begonne, such as to the blemishinge of the honourable brightnes of your fame, maye cause the ruine of vs all.

  4. That wondrous sight faire Britomart amazed, Ne seeing could her wonder satisfie, 8 But +euermore+ and more vpon it gazed, The whiles the passing brightnes her fraile sences dazed.

  5. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brightnes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.