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Example sentences for "calues"

Lexicographically close words:
calotte; calotype; cals; caltrop; caltrops; calumet; calumets; calumniate; calumniated; calumniating
  1. Thou weare a Lyons hide, doff it for shame, And hang a Calues skin on those recreant limbes Aus.

  2. Thy calues then, that come betwene new yere and lent: saue gladly for store, lest thou after repent.

  3. For that time, the losse of one fare of thy sowe: is greater, then losse of two calues of thy kowe.

  4. They doo beate them vppon the thighes and calues of the legges, causing the offender or patient to lye downe vppon his breast or stomacke, and commande their heades and legges to be holden.

  5. Alas I trembled and shooke like the fearefull hinde calues at the sight of the tawnie Lyons roring out for hunger.

  6. I faith I thanke him, he hath bid me to a calues head and a Capon, the which if I doe not carue most curiously, say my knife's naught, shall I not finde a woodcocke too?

  7. They are Sheepe and Calues that seek out assurance in that.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "calues" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.