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Example sentences for "contre"

Lexicographically close words:
contravened; contravenes; contravening; contravention; contraventions; contree; contrees; contretemps; contrey; contribute
  1. The utter abstraction I was in, led to some awkward contre temps; and as my wife's enthusiasm for her purchases increased, so did my reverie gain ground.

  2. Dans tous les endroits, ou se rencontre ce dangereux reptile, il croit une plante a laquelle on a donne le nom d'Herbe a Serpent a Sonnettes (Bidens Canadensis) et dont la racine est un antidote sur contre le venin de cet animal.

  3. It is far from being the first novice contre coeur she has broken upon the wheel of despair, and made content to taking a vow of lifelong seclusion from the world.

  4. Il est egalement interdit a un belligerant de forcer les nationaux de la Partie adverse a prendre part aux operations de guerre dirigees contre leur pays, meme dans le cas ou ils auraient ete a son service avant le commencement de la guerre.

  5. Wher Rome thanne wolde assaille, Ther myhte nothing contrevaille, Bot every contre moste obeie: Tho goth the Regne of Bras aweie, 730 And comen is the world of Stiel, And stod above upon the whiel.

  6. For where a Prince hise lustes suieth, That he the werre noght poursuieth, Whan it is time to ben armed, His contre stant fulofte harmed, Whan thenemis ben woxe bolde, That thei defence non beholde.

  7. And over this for his contre In time of werre a man is fre Himself, his hous and ek his lond Defende with his oghne hond, And slen, if that he mai no bet, After the lawe which is set.

  8. This lord, which wolde don his beste, Withinne himself hath litel reste, And thoghte he wolde his place change And seche a contre more strange.

  9. Ay, and I remember the charge, and his cry of 'Contre D'Arcy, contre Mort!

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.