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Example sentences for "dessication"

Lexicographically close words:
desserts; dessertspoon; dessertspoonful; dessertspoonfuls; dessicated; dessins; dessous; dessus; dest; desta
  1. The commercial face solution or water should be used on the face while massaging in order that the skin may be kept moist and to prevent dessication from the action of the fluid.

  2. The main point of difference would be that the cancer would be present before death, and the dessication could not possibly occur until after the body is embalmed.

  3. The body is usually emaciated and should be injected arterially with comparatively mild fluid, in order to avoid drying or dessication of the features.

  4. The cancerous spot should not be confounded with the color of dessication which will resemble it somewhat.

  5. Dessication in an ordinary temperature seemed sufficient to destroy the faculty of germinating in twenty-four hours, when the conidia had been removed from the leaves on which they were produced.

  6. Dessication of conducting tissue by glycerine enhances the conducting power.

  7. The small quantity of water in the inner chamber keeps its air in a humid condition, since dry hot air by causing dessication interferes with normal growth.

  8. Dessication lasts usually from five to twenty days, the exposed parts being the first to dry and shed their crusts.

  9. As dessication proceeds the constitutional symptoms decline, the appetite returns, and the patient gains strength.

  10. The Proposed Excavations at, 65 Dessication of the Dead, 25 Dighton Rock.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dessication" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.