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Example sentences for "fecit"

Lexicographically close words:
fecha; fecht; feci; fecimus; fecisse; feck; feckless; fect; fects; fecture
  1. Round the stem are represented the emblems of the Evangelists, and the inscription: Pelagius abbas me fecit; this formula appears so frequently that it must be understood in the sense of fecit fieri, ordered to be made.

  2. This frontal is signed--Geri Lapi Rachamatore Me fecit in Florentia.

  3. Carta domini regis quam fecit civibus Lond’, sub spe inveniendi ab eo meliorem gratiam," the words in italics being added by a later hand.

  4. One example of his work is known, which bears the simple inscription engraved near the south polar circle "Adam Heroldt fecit Romae anno d[=n]i MDCIL.

  5. On one of the supporting arms of the sphere is the author and date legend, reading, "Carmelus Cartilia et Francalancia Siculus fecit Taurini anno dñi 1720.

  6. Royal Library, there is a copy of John of Salisbury's Ententicus which contains the following note, "Hunc librum fecit dominus Symon abbas S.

  7. The same witnesses inform us that Marguerite handed them over to the tender mercies of her new husband, who imprisoned them 'for ten years or thereabouts et multa mala eis fecit cum non haberent custodem sen defensorem.

  8. The men of Venice had written to the men of Bruges to urge them to cut off his head: Homo mortuus non fecit guerram.

  9. It is inscribed, 'Geda Menendis me fecit in onore sci.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fecit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.