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Example sentences for "huic"

Lexicographically close words:
hugged; huggin; hugging; hugs; huia; huict; huile; huion; huiou; huis
  1. Huic rationi quod erat consentaneum faciebat, ut contra omnium sententias dicens in eam plerosque deduceret, ut cum in eadem re paria contrariis in partibus momenta rationum invenirentur, facilius ab utraque parte adsensio sustineretur.

  2. Comedy well observed of his son, Non ego te videbam manum huic puellae in sinum insere?

  3. Anticyrae caelo huic est opus aut dolabra, he had need to be bored, and so had all his fellows, as wise as they would seem to be.

  4. Mucius, quoquo modo ea res huic Page 111 cause in which neither ranks nor individuals had expressed any feeling, though there was some feeling amongst the loyalists, sluggish as usual.

  5. Quam ob rem a te peto vel potius omnibus te precibus oro et obtestor, ut in tuis maximis curis aliquid impertias temporis huic quoque cogitationi, ut tuo beneficio bonus vir, gratus, pius denique esse in maximi beneficii memoria possim.

  6. Cato of Utica, is applicable to the Guardians of the Platonic Republic:-- "Venerisque huic maximus usus Progenies.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "huic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.