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Example sentences for "insolences"

Lexicographically close words:
insociable; insofar; insoide; insolation; insolence; insolencies; insolency; insolent; insolently; insolubility
  1. For Bele said very much what it pleased him to say, covering his insolences with a laugh and with a jovial, jocular air, that made resentment seem ridiculous.

  2. The prince himself had as yet met with no discourtesy; but disputes had broken out early between the English and Spanish retinues, and petty taunts and insolences had passed among them.

  3. The English were to be punished, for the infinite insolences in which they had indulged towards Philip's retinue, by being compelled, whether they liked it or not, to bestow upon him the crown.

  4. The soldiers commit nowhere fewer insolences upon the burghers, few robberies upon the country; nor the Officers fewer deceits upon the soldiers.

  5. For the Gentry find a difference betwixt the Governor's favour and disfavour; and the soldiers often commit insolences upon the people.

  6. This being a time of great libertinism among the rabble, we thought it prudent to confine ourselves to our lodgings for some time, to the end that we might avoid such insolences as are usual in such times of public festivity.

  7. For our better security from the insolences of the over-zealous votaries, we hired a shop in one of the bazaars through which they were to pass.

  8. Briefly, their insolences are so many and so outrageous, and thereby the miseries and afflictions of Catholics were so much increased and multiplied, that it seemed to many very intolerable to be long endured.

  9. For this reason, also, are permitted those disorders and insolences committed at Padua among the youth of these two territories.

  10. And now I have mentioned watermen, give me leave to complain of the insolences and exactions they daily commit on the river Thames, and in particular this one instance, which cries aloud for justice.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "insolences" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.