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Example sentences for "personal danger"

  • We encountered no personal danger, and escaped with no other inconvenience than excessive fatigue.

  • On this occasion the commanders on both sides were exposed to personal danger, for Napoleon had a horse killed under him, and a Cossack fell dead by the side of Marshal Blucher.

  • The addition of twenty or thirty feet of hose makes very little difference in the working of the engine, and, when compared with the disadvantage of the men becoming unsteady from the idea of personal danger, is not even to be named.

  • At the same time no one but an expert fireman should be permitted to enter where there is personal danger.

  • Now thoroughly awake to a personal danger which no official immunity could minimize, he was at once upon his guard, moving quickly into the middle of the street.

  • For the first time since the reassurances of Captain Goritz in the green limousine as to her safety, she had a definite sense of personal danger.

  • The one thing about the message which struck a jarring note was the request for secrecy under plea of personal danger.

  • Many of them were quite young girls, but, regardless of personal danger, they not only visited the hospitals, but wherever illness or suffering required their presence these true Sisters of Mercy were to be found.

  • Who could think of personal danger when in such agony of anxiety for loved ones, who were hourly exposed to far greater peril?

  • M---- said that all sense of personal danger became so soon merged in higher anxieties, that even the narrow escapes of many of the nurses ceased to excite much interest.

  • They spoke of personal danger--of being overawed in their deliberations--of the fall of liberty, and of the approaching destruction of the Republic.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "personal danger" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after twenty; domestic work; dressing gown; explore the; melt butter; nearly full; personal adornment; personal ambition; personal communication; personal deity; personal devil; personal freedom; personal friends; personal government; personal habits; personal immortality; personal interview; personal knowledge; personal life; personal merit; personal relations; personal service; personal staff; personal will; religious duty; shall quote