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Example sentences for "quantite"

Lexicographically close words:
quantified; quantitate; quantitatem; quantitative; quantitatively; quantitie; quantities; quantity; quanto; quantum
  1. And yif the altitude of the planete be lasse than the degree of the sonne, thanne is the planete south fro the wey of the sonne swich a quantite of latitude as sheweth by thyn almikanteras.

  2. And yif the altitude of the planete be heyere than the degree of the sonne, than is the planete north fro 5 the wey of the sonne swich a quantite of latitude as sheweth by thyn almikanteras.

  3. And than is the depressioun of the pol antartik, that is to seyn, than is the pol antartik by-nethe the orisonte, the same quantite of space, neither more ne lasse.

  4. And his latitude is rikned after the quantite of his declinacion, north or south to-warde the poles of this world; as thus.

  5. For in sothnesse the certayn quantite of that planet is unknowen to erthly dwellers; and yet by opinion of some men it is holden for more than midle-erth.

  6. And he remembered the words he had written in the book at Frisio's on the night of the storm: "La Conscience, c'est la quantite de science innee que nous avons en nous.

  7. Ie laisse a part quantite de passages de l'Escripture par lesquels on voit que Dieu a donne des maledictions aux choses inanimees, et Creatures sans raison, ainsi qu'on pourra voir au Leuitic.

  8. Tak Fygys and reysyns and wyn and grynd hem togeder tak and draw hem thorw a cloth and do thereto powder of Alkenet other of rys and do thereto a god quantite of pepir and vyneger and boyle it togeder and messe yt and serve yt forth.

  9. Take Hony and Rotys of Radich and grynd yt smal in a morter and do yt thereto that hony a quantite of broun sugur and do thereto.

  10. Take blanched Almandes grynde hem and temper hem up with gode broth take Oynouns a grete quantite parboyle hem and frye hem and do þerto.

  11. No, I had not the least animus against her; she was a quantite negligeable, a victim to the odium Napoleon would incur by her divorce.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quantite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.