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Example sentences for "tragicomedy"

Lexicographically close words:
tragical; tragically; tragick; tragicke; tragico; tragique; tragoedia; tragus; trahit; traian
  1. At the opening of the theatres, tragedy and tragicomedy took up their courses about where they had left off.

  2. The Italian play is a tragicomedy in strict Senecan form, in which Arrenopia (Greene's Dorothea) appears as a declamatory queen confiding her troubles to the attendant nurse.

  3. With Dekker and Rowley he collaborated on "The Witch of Edmonton," a tragicomedy dealing with a contemporary crime and linking itself with the domestic tragedies.

  4. In some of his romantic dramas, as the tragicomedy "The Witch," there is little of this serious purpose.

  5. Through their example, romantic and melodramatic tragicomedy became perhaps the most popular and characteristic dramatic species of the reign of Charles I, and a direct progenitor of the heroic plays of the Restoration.

  6. Tragicomedy of the type current in the thirties continued in the sixties; tragedy oscillated between honor and horror, fine writing and perverted lust, as in Massinger, Shirley, and Glapthorne.

  7. The result of developments from tragicomedy rather than from tragedy, they exhibit a blending of the two forms and a redivision along new lines.

  8. Tragicomedy had been distinguished from tragedy not by the presence of comedy but by the fact that its leading persons were brought near to death yet saved for a happy ending.

  9. But in the main the heroic plays represent the continuance of the heroic romance and tragicomedy corrected in accord with French standards of dramatic art and French conceptions of gallantry and heroism.

  10. Tragicomedy as a species had up to this time hardly been recognized in the English drama, although there are sporadic instances of the use of the term and although romantic comedy usually offered tragic elements.

  11. In tragedy it plays a fitful part, but in tragicomedy it conquers the theatres.

  12. Before 1685 Waller made at least two attempts to change it from tragedy to tragicomedy by writing a new fifth act in which Evadne was bloodlessly eliminated.

  13. The Humorous Lieutenant is of that kind,--it is called a tragicomedy by some.

  14. I have so much to say of this tragicomedy in my discussion of the authorship of its successive scenes, that but a word may here be said concerning the reasons for its success.

  15. Such acts and scenes hath this tragicomedy of love.

  16. Externally the most extravagant and grotesque of dramatic poems, this eccentric tragicomedy of chivalrous adventure is full of poetic as well as fantastic interest.

  17. Altogether, for an avowedly hasty and occasional piece of work, this tragicomedy is very creditably characteristic of both its associated authors.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tragicomedy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.