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Example sentences for "unconscientious"

Lexicographically close words:
unconformity; uncongenial; unconnected; unconquerable; unconquered; unconscionable; unconscionably; unconscious; unconsciously; unconsciousness
  1. But if Rashleigh," said I, "has really formed this base and unconscientious scheme of plundering his benefactor, what prospect is there that I can find means of frustrating a plan so deeply laid?

  2. It is in this way that you reward my exceedingly unconscientious recommendations of your very inferior and unendurable clay idols, with their goggle eyes and concave stomachs!

  3. Yet it is one of the most unconscientious diaries ever written.

  4. If a general theoretical maxim of law be presented to an unconscientious or partial judge, he may feel himself at liberty, by exerting his ingenuity, to warp the right cause the wrong way.

  5. The murder, like the rebellion of Absalom, was not less a crime, even supposing it recommended and facilitated by the unconscientious counsels of a modern Achitophel.

  6. On the contrary, blinded by the unconscientious desire of acquisition, he had shown himself as shortsighted concerning results, as he was indifferent respecting means.

  7. This is such an unconscientious and reprehensible lie that I cannot find the words to answer it.

  8. And yet, it was a betrayal and an unconscientious act beyond comparison of his, to make this promise to me, for he could only make it withtheintentionofbreaking it.

  9. I trust that you have given me credit, Mr. Gammon, for offering no vexatious or unconscientious obstacles.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unconscientious" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.