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Example sentences for "wave after"

  • Hill attacked again with the utmost gallantry, wave after wave of Confederates rushing forward only to melt away before the concentrated fire of Porter's reinforced command.

  • Nothing could stop the eager gray lines, wave after wave of them pressing through the woods; not even the gallant fifty guns that fought with desperation in defense of Hazel Grove, where Hooker was rallying his men.

  • The infantry and cavalry were sent in--wave after wave of them, without respite, till the last had hurled destruction on the foe.

  • First, the bombing parties were felled, then the sappers as they came forward to repair the line for their infantry, and at last the infantry itself in wave after wave of field-gray.

  • Into these lines of craters the attacking infantry threw itself in wave after wave as it rushed toward the enemy trenches.

  • Wave after wave of Germans in gray-green lines were sent against the twenty-five miles of earthworks, while the French guns took their toll of the crack German regiments.

  • Think of the mystery of the sea, lads--wave after wave, with the fish down below and us up here above!

  • And he shuffled away, muttering still of "wave after wave--the fish down below and us up above!

  • Pity, so far from destroying it, only made it stronger, pouring in its own emotion, wave after wave, swelling the flood that carried them towards the warm darkness where will and thought would cease.

  • She tried to fall back into sleep, fighting against the return of consciousness; it came on, wave after wave, beating her down.

  • They clung to each other as if only by clinging they could stand against the hot darkness that drowned them; and the more they clung the more it came over them, wave after wave.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wave after" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    clear the; conjunction with; dead knight; first principles; good quantity; great convenience; higher rank; knead well; little golden; much heat; open spaces; port arms; provincial secretary; similar work; small library; soldier come from the; stellar spectra; take pleasure; there she; towards heaven; wave after; wave length; wave motion; wedded wife