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Example sentences for "acrolein"

Lexicographically close words:
acrobat; acrobatic; acrobatics; acrobats; acrogenous; acromial; acromion; acronym; across; acrosst
  1. By passing acrolein vapour into ammonia, acrolein ammonia, C6H9NO, is obtained.

  2. Defn: A polymeric modification of acrolein obtained by heating it with caustic potash.

  3. A polymeric modification of acrolein obtained by heating it with caustic potash.

  4. Hence, the presence of glycerol, or glycerides, in any substance may usually be detected by mixing the material with anhydrous acid potassium sulfate and heating the mixture in a test tube, when the characteristic odor of acrolein will appear.

  5. Since waxes contain no glycerol, they give no odor of acrolein when heated with dehydrating agents, do not become rancid, and are less easily hydrolyzed than the fats.

  6. A notable one by Sayre[162] postulates the reaction between acrolein and ammonia to give methyl pyridin, which in turn with furfurol forms furfurol vinyl pyridin.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acrolein" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.