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Example sentences for "acting upon"

  • This is good at the beginning of the treatment when the feces become packed.

  • Since then I have learned caution and through a hard and busy life I have kept myself reasonably well by looking after such little aids and cautions as, the above.

  • Made for the purpose of locating piece of needle.

  • Enlargement of its wall must take place in order to perform the extra work demanded constantly, for the normal reserve force of the heart muscles can accomplish the extra task only temporarily.

  • Would any gentleman be able to convince himself that, acting upon a single claim in this immense mass, he should have given it his favorable consideration?

  • Hence it follows that it resides in space as every other simple being, that is, by acting upon it.

  • In its phenomenal representation, a body resides in space by contact of extension; in its real objective nature and substance, by acting upon it.

  • The miracle in this case is, that the infinite power of the Word to which it is hypostatically united intensifies its natural sphere of acting upon space, and makes it extend to thousands of places at the same time.

  • It is most remarkable for its power of acting upon, or corroding platinum.

  • It may be made very clean by acting upon it with nitric acid, of specific gravity 1.

  • But usually--at least in complicated situations--acting upon it brings to light conditions which had been overlooked.

  • They are therefore tested by the operation of acting upon them.

  • Then the suggested solution--the idea or theory--has to be tested by acting upon it.

  • It is necessary to use ferric hydrate recently prepared, for if dried it changes into an oxyhydrate, or even if kept under water the same change occurs, so that (according to the experiments of Messrs.

  • Acting upon it, an adjustment was made of the difficult problem of reparations.

  • Having the quality of acting upon or affecting the nerves; quieting nervous excitement.

  • A sensitive kind of barometer, in which the pressure of the atmosphere, acting upon a liquid, as oil, in the lower portion of the instrument, compresses an elastic gas in the upper part.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acting upon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    acting assistant; acting chairman; acting engine; acting master; acting president; acting upon; bear thee; beaten separately; bide here; cut off; evening paper; felt obliged; few years before the; four forty; higher stage; his own; its application; modern fiction; much admired; opposite sides; shall receive; show herself; single step; small bits; small village; will tell you about