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Example sentences for "agast"

Lexicographically close words:
agane; aganis; agape; agaric; agas; agat; agate; agates; agathodaemon; agatized
  1. Now the nobill Myrmydon capitanys 25 Quakis in armys for feir of the Troianys, And now Tedeus son Diomedes Agast is, and Larissyane Achilles: And Aufidus, the swyft flowand ryver, Rynnys contyrmont frawart the sey for feir.

  2. Quod Pandarus, `Thou wrecched mouses herte, Art thou agast so that she wol thee byte?

  3. And I am agast that we get som fray Betwixt vs both; 185 For she is full tethee, For litill oft angr'e; If any thyng wrang be, Soyne is she wroth.

  4. Quod Pandarus, 'thou wrecched mouses herte, Art thou agast so that she wol thee byte?

  5. Of Wraththe the secounde is Cheste, Which hath the wyndes of tempeste To kepe, and many a sodein blast He bloweth, wherof ben agast 420 Thei that desiren pes and reste.

  6. As whoo seiþ he mot ben alwey agast lest he leese þat he wot wel he may leese.

  7. Ther nas no lak, but that he was agast To love, and for to speke shamefast.

  8. In 557, the metre is easily restored, by reading so agast for agast so.

  9. Of this mervaille agast was al the prees; As mased folk they stoden everichone, (580) For drede of wreche, save Custance allone.

  10. Now wolde god ye mighte wel endure Al my corage, it is so sharp and kene; I am agast ye shul it nat sustene.

  11. Doun than cam his brother · that fikil was and fel, [649] And was swithe sore · agast of the pestel.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "agast" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.