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Example sentences for "answeres"

Lexicographically close words:
answerde; answere; answered; answeredst; answerer; answereth; answering; answerit; answers; answeryd
  1. Wilkinson to graunt it, as hoping to be an occasion by his presence and discreet answeres to satisfie the Generall, and thereby to saue the effusion of Christian blood, if it should grow to a battel.

  2. I can thee thanke that thou canst suche answeres devise: 140 But I perceyve thou doste me throughly knowe.

  3. What answeres Clarence to his soueraignes will?

  4. Yet call th' Embassadors, and as you please, So let them haue their answeres euery one: I shall be well content with any choyce Tends to Gods glory, and my Countries weale.

  5. If it be so, as fast As she answeres thee with frowning lookes, ile sauce Her with bitter words: why looke you so vpon me?

  6. Glendower speakes to her in Welsh, and she answeres him in the same.

  7. I pray you Sir, Deliuer with more opennesse your answeres To my demands.

  8. What answeres Clarence to his Soueraignes will?

  9. I haue none: do not talke to me, aemilia, I cannot weepe: nor answeres haue I none, But what should go by water.

  10. Ye han bigonne your question folily,' Quod she, 'that wolden two answeres conclude In oo demande; ye axed lewedly.

  11. And yet notwithstanding all this, there be some that haue a better hope of this passage to Cataia by the Northeast then by the West, whose reasons with my seuerall answeres ensue in the chapter following.

  12. Now as I haue here briefly recited the reasons alleaged, to prooue a passage to Cataia by the Northeast, with my seuerall answeres thereunto: so will I leaue it to your iudgement, to hope or despaire of either at your pleasure.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "answeres" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.