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Example sentences for "appetition"

Lexicographically close words:
appetency; appetising; appetit; appetite; appetites; appetitive; appetitus; appetizer; appetizers; appetizing
  1. Will may thus be defined as the deliberate appetition of something within our power, and the very definition shows that our choice is an efficient cause of the acts we choose to do.

  2. Appetition or "temper" is as real a fact as perception, but you cannot crave for or feel angry with a thing you do not apprehend.

  3. For what has sensations can also feel pleasure and pain, and what can feel pleasure and pain can desire, since desire is only appetition of what is pleasant.

  4. To experience appetition or anger or desire you must have an object which you crave for or desire or are angry with, and it is only when you have reached the level of presentations through the senses that you can be said to have an object.

  5. Furthermore, sensation being admitted, as Carneri admits it, or rather asserts it, of all forms of animal life, it is difficult to conceive how he can interpret the phenomena of appetition and repulsion as devoid of feeling.

  6. The antithesis of cognition and appetition gives the basis for the division into theoretical and practical philosophy.

  7. Where the perceptions are conscious and rational appetition rises into will.

  8. For reason withdraws us from opinion, and not from appetition or imagination.

  9. Now those who withhold their assent and doubt of all things take not away this, but make use of the appetition or instinct naturally conducting every man to that which seems convenient for him.

  10. The monad has appetition so far as it determines itself from within to change, so far as it follows an internal principle of energy.

  11. The scale of monads, however, would not be as complete as possible unless there were beings in whom appetition became volition, and perception, self-conscious intelligence.

  12. The whole content of the appetition is representation.

  13. In this way appetition and representation appear to be identical.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appetition" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.