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Example sentences for "arthropodan"

Lexicographically close words:
arth; arthly; arthritic; arthritis; arthropod; arthropods; artibus; artichoke; artichokes; article
  1. The Pantapoda and the Tardigrada must probably be regarded as smaller independent branches of the Arthropodan stock.

  2. In other Arthropodan eggs the cleavage is on the so-called centrolecithal type, in which the dividing nuclei pass to the cortex of the ovum, and the surface of the ovum becomes indented with grooves corresponding to each nucleus.

  3. A satisfactory elucidation of the phylogeny of Arthropodan eyes has not yet been given.

  4. The structure of these eyes, though not as yet satisfactorily made out, would appear to be very different from that of other Arthropodan visual organs.

  5. If I am correct in regarding it as homologous with the salivary glands so widely distributed amongst the Tracheata, its presence indicates a hitherto unnoticed arthropodan affinity in Peripatus.

  6. On each side of the tongue are placed the jaws, which are, no doubt, a pair of appendages, modified in the characteristic arthropodan manner, to subserve mastication.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arthropodan" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.