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Example sentences for "amongst"

Lexicographically close words:
among; amonge; amonges; amongest; amongs; amont; amor; amore; amorem; amores
  1. Further, one cannot say that these bodies are of a texture similar to that of a sponge or of light bread, because the heat of the fire makes them flow and thereby changes the situation of the particles amongst themselves.

  2. The causes of this have seemed to me to be worthy of being carefully investigated, the more so because amongst transparent bodies this one alone does not follow the ordinary rules with respect to rays of light.

  3. The cube is included amongst these prisms, the bases of which are sections perpendicular to the axis of the crystal, and the sides are sections parallel to the same axis.

  4. He imbibes freely--the current fashions of the hour amongst whites.

  5. I have not referred to the later or present occupants of the mission-field amongst the Indians, as they were, or have been identified for so short a time with them.

  6. His work covers half a century, and, though, for some years, he has not been an active worker amongst the Indians, a solicitude for their welfare still actuates him.

  7. Two tall cedars met overhead, and the night-wind just sighed amongst their branches; the night-flowers were exhaling their fragrant odours.

  8. The tall gaunt father and the beautiful girl lived in utter seclusion, except when amongst the poor--always together.

  9. One had been captured by Indians, who did not intend to let him live long; but amongst his baggage was a pair of skates.

  10. Amongst which we find those two so rare in a Great Man and a Statesman, those of Gracious Speech and easie Access, and I believe none were ever sent from your Presence dissatisfied.

  11. Coaches with glasses were a recent invention and very fashionable amongst the courtiers and ladies of the Restoration.

  12. Victorious Betty, be merciful, and do not ruin my Reputation amongst my Friends.

  13. Numerous examples are to be found amongst the Roxburgh Ballads.

  14. The victory belonged to the side which counted amongst its numbers those players who were the fleetest runners, the most skilful throwers and the most adroit dodgers.

  15. It is not strange, therefore, that we do not find in use amongst them the name which the early French fathers and traders invariably applied to the game.

  16. Professor Flinders Petrie has pointed out, their "treatment of everything was essentially decorative, the love of form and drawing being in Egypt a greater force than amongst any other ancient people.

  17. Then you feel what this dead man stood for, and you pray that we may still find such another amongst us when the clouds gather once again.

  18. Droughts and floods have little effect on it; it will grow in any soil, from a sand to a heavy loam, amongst rocks, or on a gravelly or shaley land.

  19. It is a palm that I believe has a good future before it in the North, and for that reason I have included it amongst our tropical fruits, though it is cultivated at present more as an ornamental plant than as an article of commerce.

  20. It is more rightly a semi-tropical than a tropical fruit, though, as it is so nearly related to the granadilla, I have included it amongst the tropical fruits.

  21. It is a fruit of comparatively recent introduction, the oldest trees being less than thirty years of age, but has already become widely distributed, as well as a favourite fruit amongst many.

  22. He had then lost sight of the stranger amongst the throng, and knew nothing more about him.

  23. Dismount and lead thy steed in amongst those rocks and bushes and, if thou canst, compel it to lie down.

  24. Half a dozen men, amongst whom Edgar was quick to discern James Baulch, lounged upon the benches drinking and dicing.

  25. Then they went on to talk of other things, and the priest told Edgar stories of his work amongst the poor peasantry.

  26. It is to deliver these downtrodden folk amongst whom it is my sad lot to work.

  27. It belonged to a knight named Eustace de Brin, who appeared to be better known amongst the country folk and peasantry as Black Eustace.

  28. There can be no excuse for the men I command to fight amongst themselves.

  29. The projectors of the original scheme, however, unwilling to abandon their proposal altogether, urged that the objections brought against it hardly applied to a contest amongst esquires.

  30. The horse reared madly and backed in amongst its fellows, but at every opportunity Edgar cut and slashed with his dagger at the ropes that fastened the other horses to the trees.

  31. To this the earl assented, and it was finally arranged that in the esquires' melee the two sides should be drawn from amongst the English and Gascon troops respectively.

  32. During this expedition, it is like enough that my life will be in constant jeopardy, not from the enemy but from one amongst my own side.

  33. His own sword was far too well made and well finished to be taken, so Peter obtained for him the least pretentious amongst those carried by Sir John's men-at-arms.

  34. Undoubtedly the first dramatic writer amongst our contemporaries is Henry Taylor, and the most admirable dramatic poem which these times have witnessed is Philip van Artevelde.

  35. We suspect that there was all along a lingering tradition amongst the learned about the virtue of the Mute E's.

  36. I do beg of you, when you take up the functions of the novelist, not to distribute this species of intoxication amongst your dramatis personæ, more largely than is absolutely necessary.

  37. To say nothing of analogous artifices amongst various mechanic artisans, all that is essential in printing must have been known to every nation that struck coins and medals.

  38. Sacrifice nothing of what you know to be the substantial interest of your piece, to what these critics call the colour of the age, which, after all, is nothing better than one guess amongst many at historic truth.

  39. Grief of that sort, and at that age, has killed more than ever have been counted amongst its martyrs.

  40. For her kingdom is chiefly amongst the tents of Shem, and the houseless vagrant of every clime.

  41. But the more elaborate chemistry of our own days has reversed all these motions of our simple ancestors, with results in every stage that to them would have realized the most fantastic amongst the promises of thaumaturgy.

  42. Let me describe their form, and their presence; if form it were that still fluctuated in its outline; or presence it were that for ever advanced to the front, or for ever receded amongst shades.

  43. Amongst other noble men that were chiefe dooers in the assembling of this armie, Frederike abbat of S.

  44. As if I did n't know what suffering there is amongst the men!

  45. Two warders in blue uniforms, with peaked caps and swords, are stationed amongst them.

  46. You wish to fix the type of wild savage existing ever amongst our high civilisation.

  47. There is a movement amongst the men as though they were bewildered.

  48. I am told that is not uncommon amongst babies.

  49. You think you can come amongst us, but you're mistaken.

  50. The clubs only give up to eighteen shillin's a week, M'm, and it's not much amongst a family.

  51. Amongst kine and my black-brown sheep I Live; I am silence, and monotony; I am the solemn hills.

  52. In my position I 'm bound to recognise the distress there is amongst them.

  53. Then looking amongst his papers, he sounds his bell.

  54. In a lighted room on one aide of the Inn are seen two pale men and a woman, amongst many clicking machines.

  55. It is understood that amongst the share-holders are large numbers of women, clergymen, and Army officers.

  56. Through this window the blue night is seen, where a mist is rolled out flat amongst trees, so that only dark clumps of boughs show here and there, beneath a moonlit sky.

  57. ACT I The time is morning, and the scene a level lawn, beyond which the river is running amongst fields.

  58. He reels, staggers back, and falls down amongst the crowd.

  59. How can he let all this suffering go on amongst you?

  60. Amongst the books, according to Tyndale, were copies of his translated Testament.

  61. Some think to please the people by opposition to learning, and amongst the aiders and abettors of the Lutheran movement they place Erasmus in the forefront.

  62. In 1546 appeared a prymer in Welsh in which, amongst other things, the seven capital or deadly sins and their opposite virtues are given and analysed.

  63. John Clement translated several ancient Greek authors into Latin, amongst others many letters of St. Gregory Nazianzen and the Homilies of Nicephorus Callistus on the Saints of the Greek Calendar.

  64. A man would have pity did he but hear the lamentable complaints that I heard lately when amongst them.

  65. He was unwilling that “such evil seed sown amongst his people (should) so take root that it might overgrow the corn of the Catholic doctrine before sprung up in the souls of his subjects,” and he consequently ordered this examination.

  66. In his latter daies he shewed himselfe so gentle, that he gat more loue amongst the nobles and people of this realme, than he had purchased malice and euill will in the beginning.

  67. Amongst other enterprises, he landed vpon the sudden at Craal on the faire day, tooke the towne, and robbed the faire, so as they that were come thither to sell their wares, had quicke vtterance and slow paiment.

  68. Knowledge and learning suffer in a particular manner from this strange prejudice, which at present prevails amongst all ranks and degrees in the British nation.

  69. He abounds in several frugal maxims, amongst which the greatest favourite is, 'A penny saved is a penny got.

  70. In a word, the Christian or baptismal names have not displaced the native ones, as they did in Wales and elsewhere, and amongst some of our far Eastern Indians.

  71. This is common, probably, to all primitive races, but is perhaps more marked amongst Indian mothers than any other.

  72. They were of all shapes, sizes and colours, and, though very civil to man, from whom they got nothing but kicks and stones, they kept up a constant row amongst themselves.

  73. It was pleasant and unexpected, too, to find our last camp but one amongst the best.

  74. Our camp that night was a delightful one, amongst slender birch and spruce and pine, the ground covered with blueberries, partridge berries, and cranberries in abundance.

  75. Indeed, if one heard bad language at all it was from the lips of some Yankee or Canadian teamster, airing his superior knowledge of the world amongst the natives.

  76. On an island below Prince Albert, a woman, to save her life, had to climb a neighbouring tree, and gave birth to a child amongst the branches.

  77. By this time there was, of course, much money afloat amongst the people, which was rapidly finding its way into the traders' pockets.

  78. A preference is shown for gold and silver lace, or amongst the elite purfled silk edges; the new mode being a decoration of groups of ribbon loops placed about the suit or dress.

  79. No parti-colour was now worn or striped effects on tights, except amongst the soldiers in the reign of Mary.

  80. A short-skirted coat came in amongst the dandies towards the end of the reign, and was stiffened out on the skirts; these mostly had a tighter sleeve and cuff.

  81. The more technical "patterns" which are included amongst the illustrations will be found most valuable to all who wish to go deeper than the first glance reveals.

  82. There was also a flat "Tam o' Shanter" shape, generally worn well tilted on one side, and amongst the upper classes mostly adorned with feathers.

  83. There are many dresses of real charm to be found amongst the mass of heavy styles which must not be overlooked in studying design and style.

  84. Wigs had practically gone out, except for a few of the latter type of the 18th century amongst elderly people.

  85. It is often seen with the brims loose, or sometimes down, especially amongst the lower classes.

  86. Long, full wigs are still seen amongst older men, but several new shapes appear as illustrated (Fig.

  87. Ruffs and collars were no longer seen amongst the upper classes.

  88. The kerchief draping is very important to study, because it was the general mode amongst the people.

  89. Bone pins, teeth, and boar tusks were carried in the ears, as well as studs of bone or stone in the underlip, and even the cheek may have been so decorated, as it was amongst the Esquimaux.

  90. The stockings, usually decorated with clocks, were still worn rolled outside the knee amongst smart people.

  91. Chains were still a decorative feature round the neck, and the belt carried a sword and pouch, or, amongst the working classes, other necessities.

  92. Crowds of natives had assembled all along the royal street, as well as up the main thoroughfare, leading from the West to the East gate; and the greatest excitement prevailed amongst the populace.

  93. Much betting, also, goes on amongst the excited spectators, and it is not seldom that a private contest of this kind degenerates into a free fight.

  94. There is a great barking of all the Prairie-dogs as they see their enemy approach, but they dive down when he is amongst them.

  95. These crept out to wonder and sing, And look for her yonder, Away up the hills, Amongst the gods’ mills.

  96. Johnson and he were sitting together, when amongst other things Garrick repeated an epitaph upon this Phillips, by a Dr.

  97. This practice was once common enough everywhere, and amongst the ignorant and illiterate in some parts it is still held to be a perfectly legitimate transaction.

  98. This was divided amongst the six, as the purchasers had had a few spoonfuls in the tent.

  99. Usually the price first mentioned was fairly moderate, but in a short time they had run it up amongst themselves as if they were bidding at an auction.

  100. Others were by this time getting in amongst the village houses, where it was hard to see what they were up to.

  101. Here we found a trickle of water, and settled down amongst some small trees and thorny scrub.

  102. It was dangerous for our party to talk anything but Turkish, even amongst themselves.

  103. The official White Book gives the number 65 as the percentage of deaths amongst British soldier prisoners taken at Kut, a figure which speaks for itself.

  104. We had agreed amongst ourselves, however, that we would now wait until we reached Yozgad, and could contrive some plan by which all parties might once more have an equal chance of escaping.

  105. It was fortunate we were amongst some rushes, for suddenly three or four men rode by on donkeys not ten yards from us.

  106. We could then find out where the flocks were watered, and be fairly certain to find good concealment amongst the ridges of the Karadja Dagh, which was visible to the S.

  107. Dodging from cover to cover amongst the patches of scrub, sometimes on hands and knees, they finally found themselves close to the coast road itself.

  108. Amongst the three officers from Geddos was one Tweedledum, so named from a certain rotundity of figure, which even the scanty provisions said to be obtainable there had failed to reduce.

  109. In any case, it would have been dangerous to cross the line again during daylight, so they stopped amongst some shrubs a quarter of a mile short of the embankment.

  110. For the next three hours we picked our way over dreadful going, amongst grey limestone rocks, cracked and pock-marked everywhere.

  111. For the sake of secrecy, the details of the coup de main itself were left to be worked out by a small committee, and the report spread amongst the rest of the camp that the scheme had been dropped.

  112. Amongst these letters, there was only ONE specimen which the author could obtain of the united scription, or rather signatures, of Henry and Diana.

  113. Look, amongst a hundred other similar things, at the "Balade ioyeuse des taverniers," on the reverse Q.

  114. All the dry fish we have been able to procure from the Natives since we came here were this day divided amongst the Ship's Company.

  115. He at once pitched upon the Spanish Flag and would by no means admit of any other; this, together with several Articles we have lately seen amongst these people, such as Jackets, Shirts, etc.

  116. One great question of the day amongst seamen and geographers was the discovering of some ready and sure method of ascertaining the longitude.

  117. They were so far from being afraid or surprised at our coming amongst them that three of them came on board without the least hesitation.

  118. After another three weeks' stay at Huaheine, and Ulietea, also amongst old friends, the Resolution sailed on June 4th to the west.

  119. The belief in a southern continent was strong amongst most geographers; but it rested on nothing more than the false idea that dry lands in the two hemispheres should balance one another.

  120. There were also other Endeavours amongst the junior officers.

  121. This witnesses to the confidence and enthusiasm that Cook inspired amongst those under him.

  122. Instead of mapping coasts and islands, the principal duty was exploration of tempestuous seas in high latitudes, amongst ice, searching in vain for the illusive southern land.

  123. But at last a fellow at Brighton's corner said he saw four men go by on their way to Zabel's cottage, and on the chance of finding you amongst them, I turned down here.

  124. I have ridden fast,' said he; then more slowly, 'One feels sorry for a man dying alone and amongst strangers.

  125. He could hear voices in the upper hall, and amongst them he caught the accents of her he had learned so lately to fear.

  126. Fearing detection, I slid in amongst the bushes and soon found myself under one of the windows.

  127. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amongst" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    among; mid; midst; with

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    amongst many; amongst other; amongst others; amongst the; amongst them; amongst whom