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Example sentences for "degrees"

Lexicographically close words:
degraded; degrades; degrading; degre; degree; degres; dehisce; dehiscence; dehiscent; dehiscing
  1. The Popes, with varying degrees of success, tried to render such international justice as the discordant elements introduced by the growth of cities and rise of nationalities demanded.

  2. Qualified Jurisdiction Two degrees of qualified territorial jurisdiction are exercised in the protectorate and the sphere of influence.

  3. No prominent success was attained on either side; yet the effects of the investment came by degrees to be oppressively felt by the Pompeians.

  4. By degrees these limits were enlarged; and the term Assyria came to be used, in a loose and vague way, of a vast and ill-defined tract extending on all sides from this central region.

  5. It seems to have been known to the Assyrians from very early times, and to have become by degrees a sort of settled principle in their government.

  6. Alonzo Leffingwell, therefore, practiced his Western methods and took his Eastern Degrees without announcing it in Headlines.

  7. It was, by his account, a sea-sicky business, worse by several degrees than crossing the Channel in the leave boat.

  8. By degrees he got more sane about the photo.

  9. It is certain that in the beginning he had not this loveliness and grace and elegance, and that he only by degrees attained this shape, this form, this beauty, and this grace.

  10. Degrees are absolutely necessary to ensure an orderly organization.

  11. Its temperature varies only between forty and forty-seven degrees the year round.

  12. In the bottom, the temperature frequently shows a range of one hundred degrees inside of twenty-four hours.

  13. By degrees it came back to her mind, and then she was no longer surprised at their being left alone.

  14. By degrees they came into congested, poorer quarters.

  15. A far day, doubtless, and there are degrees in artists; but I see no other conclusion.

  16. To this the elite of Weytown society, composed mostly of shelved officers in various degrees of dilapidation, and their growing families, belonged.

  17. By degrees the very intensity of her soul's longing seemed to creep into his hands and sob its despair through his fingers.

  18. Gradually the St Malo coast grew more indistinct, and by degrees in front of them the spikes that had represented Cezambre developed into rocks.

  19. From these emerged a brilliant throng of masqueraders of both sexes, who tripped to the tide with varying degrees of elegant assurance.

  20. As by degrees the full measure of her misery unfolded to her comprehension, she fell into no paroxysm of angry grief; she vented her despair in no revilings against the guilty Greville.

  21. This prudent reserve, together with the absence of any decided proofs at the time of Marlborough's correspondence with James, seems to have at length weakened William's resentment, and by degrees he was taken back into favour.

  22. On many of these occasions Púshkin contributed to the due celebration of the event by producing poems of various lengths, and different degrees of merit; we give here the best of these.

  23. Then it soon falls, at first slowly, but by degrees quicker and quicker.

  24. Barjou says the water under the ice in the Arctic region is about 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

  25. He twirled the helicopter starter, and she roared and zoomed, taking an angle of a hundred and twenty-five degrees upward off a runway of twenty yards.

  26. While the air is many degrees less, there may even be a difference of 50 degrees.

  27. The tone must be kept pure and free, and practised with varying degrees of force, with the idea of steady projection and determined control.

  28. PITCH A voice, to express variety, must have sufficient compass to give opportunity for a free play of inflection over various degrees of pitch.

  29. The range of tone in every voice should cover as many degrees of pitch as possible, as these are needed in word painting no less than in dramatic expression.

  30. Moreover, when water is converted into ice, one hundred and forty degrees of heat are given out, a part of which, entering into the water below, retards the further formation of ice.

  31. The command of God not to marry within certain degrees of consanguinity is, then, in accordance with the organic laws of our being, and the wisdom of the prohibition is abundantly confirmed by observation.

  32. Water increases in density as it becomes colder until it reaches the temperature of forty degrees--eight degrees above the freezing point--when it begins to expand.

  33. But the point of greatest density in water is about eight degrees above freezing.

  34. The eye will accommodate itself to light of different degrees of intensity within a limited range, but both eyes should be exposed to an equal degree of light.

  35. When vinegar is used, the equivalent sugar hydrometer reading would be about 2 degrees higher than that indicated in the table.

  36. Individuals with master's degrees have spent about two years in graduate school.

  37. In the physical and biological fields, scientists with doctor's degrees have probably spent three to six years in college after they received their bachelor's degrees.

  38. Physical and Biological Sciences Most scientific endeavor today is undertaken by teams composed of individuals with doctor's, master's, and bachelor's degrees in the sciences.

  39. Indeed, a number of scientists who completed doctoral degrees years ago have recently begun to study Russian.

  40. But he did not open his lips, and by degrees the reason came.

  41. The story progresses through various degrees of terror, beginning when the ship is taken over by the mutineers, leaving the passengers and officers isolated.

  42. It was ticklish work, for the men on guard by the sky-light were a very little distance away; but moving by slow degrees I climbed up at last, and lay down in comparative safety, not having been heard.

  43. And indeed the heat of their climate will permit them to wear no more; Melinda being distant from the line but three degrees and some few minutes.

  44. Such a change has amounted to 68 degrees in nine hours.

  45. For five centuries they reigned there with various degrees of authority; but foreign wars and domestic revolts gradually dissolved the empire, and their dominion at length passed away.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "degrees" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    degree; east; graduate; north; northeast; northward; northwest; postgraduate; south; southeast; southward; southwest; sunrise; sunset; west; westward

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    degrees apart; degrees below; degrees centigrade; degrees east; degrees from; degrees north; degrees south; degrees west