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Example sentences for "worker"

Lexicographically close words:
workday; worke; worked; workemanship; workemen; workers; workes; workest; worketh; workforce
  1. What we want is a system which will safeguard the consumer, and also provide the worker with a natural, self-compelling inducement to help the industry with which he is connected.

  2. Ideal co-partnership is a system under which worker and consumer shall share with capitalists in the profits of industry.

  3. The capitalist is inclined to give the minimum that is necessary to secure the labor which he requires, and the worker in return considers that all that should be required from him is the minimum of labor which will save him from dismissal.

  4. It is because co-partnership harnesses to industry not only the muscle but the heart and the intelligence of the worker that we are justified in regarding it with reverence and enthusiasm as the principle of the future.

  5. This is done, in great measure, through the girl's liking for the worker and also through her interest in people rather than things.

  6. The result is the same in either case--the personal influence of the worker with the children.

  7. By this I mean that with definite methods of book presentation in use, the worker saw farther into the mental and material life of the child and understood his social instincts better.

  8. The library worker has to deal with large crowds of children of all ages, all classes and nationalities.

  9. The children's worker must be for and not against the child.

  10. If the worker is at all earnest in her work she can not help but have her heart wrung time and again by the sufferings of the children of the poor.

  11. Perhaps the best plan is to set a time for them to come to the library, say Saturday morning at ten, when they can feel that the children's worker is all their own.

  12. A librarian or a settlement worker who sees only children from non-English speaking homes is in danger of forgetting that there are others who can use books in unsimplified form.

  13. Now, with us, the common worker is incomparably less free than the common worker in Japan.

  14. The homicidal white-lead worker made a pounce upon one boy who was hoisting himself up, and brought him to earth amidst general commendation.

  15. There was a wolfish stare at the object, in which homicidal white-lead worker shone conspicuous.

  16. The thought flashed through her brain that Fate itself had brought about this pause just at this spot; and when she heard the mosaic-worker exclaim, "The great Roman physician!

  17. A worker in mosaic, who stood near Melissa, had been employed in the decoration of the baths of Caracalla at Rome, and had much information to impart; he even knew the names of several of the senators and courtiers attached to Caesar.

  18. Yet does it not look as if in all the operations which the worker on the land has to perform everything is carefully considered by science, and only the chief thing left out, the worker and his work?

  19. The worker who husks the ear is naturally accustomed to make his hand and finger movements while his eyes are fixed on them.

  20. The capitalists, the employers, British Socialists say, have become rich by defrauding the worker of his wages.

  21. The casual home-worker would be discouraged.

  22. The majority of British Socialist leaders apparently desire to keep the workers drunken, for every suggestion that the worker might improve his position by greater moderation in drinking is passionately denounced by them.

  23. In other words, the worker who earns now, say, 10d.

  24. At present a dissatisfied worker can change his employer, he can get justice in the Law Courts, and in extreme cases he can put his grievances before the nation.

  25. The worker is now a mere item in a vast industrial army over the organisation and direction of which he has no control.

  26. Blessed is the worker who works (for the capitalist), for he shall inherit the kingdom (of starvation and misery under capitalism).

  27. The worker must starve so that a few rich people may live in luxury, and things will become better for the worker only when there are no more rich men.

  28. According to many Socialists, Socialism would immediately abolish their grievances and give to the worker the entire produce of his labour.

  29. Again: the skilled worker of the present day is an aristocrat in the world of labor.

  30. It is a question with him whether he shall ally himself with the unskilled worker against the capitalist, or with the capitalist against the unskilled worker.

  31. The greater the revolution a genuinely progressive thinker and worker tried to accomplish in human progress, the more sure was he to obtain not only a ready audience, but an enthusiastic and encouraging following.

  32. The chief handicrafts of the province are those of the weaver, the shoemaker, the carpenter, the potter, and the worker in brass and copper.

  33. The craft of the thathera or brass worker is naturally most prominent in the Eastern Panjáb, because Hindus prefer brass vessels for cooking purposes.

  34. The labor of a single worker increased in effectiveness many times; in other words, the labor cost of a unit of production greatly diminished with the improvement of mechanical devices.

  35. To Kircher belongs the credit of being the first worker to construct an instrument with coarse and fine adjustment and with a substage condenser, which could be used either for concentrating the sun’s rays or those from a lamp.

  36. As an instrument for the serious worker the microscope compares favourably with any other invention of mankind.

  37. This early worker was noted for the variety of his investigations rather than for the depths of his learning.

  38. There are three features of this ingenious apparatus which cannot fail to commend themselves equally to the casual worker and the serious microscopist.

  39. As a methodical, scientific worker he was of little account.

  40. Smaller and eminently suitable for the general worker is “Modern Microscopy,” by Messrs Cross & Cole.

  41. For while our Father is a wonder-worker and a world builder, at the same time He has myriads of human bodies through which He can live a thoroughly social life.

  42. I never knew a harder worker than Wilford Woodruff.

  43. Possessing the highest qualities of sincerity, he naturally became an earnest advocate in his teachings and an indefatigable worker in everything he set his hands to do.

  44. From the outset, the subject of this biography became a most ardent worker in the cause he had espoused.

  45. At this writing he is living, and is a faithful worker in the Salt Lake Temple.

  46. He was not a worker in the ordinary sense of the word; for in work he always set himself about to accomplish extraordinary tasks.

  47. If he could only be an active worker in the Church of Christ; if the Lord would only receive him into Divine service, his ambitions would be realized.

  48. For instance, the sedentary life of the student or professional worker is abnormal or unnatural, but it need not be unhealthful, if hygienic adaptations are made.

  49. Sailors are in many ways peculiar, and in order to be of service to them a worker must proceed understandingly.

  50. When Mr. Kellogg was back again in Harpswell, this young man was a prominent merchant and politician, and a well-known Christian worker in this city.

  51. She assists a busy worker on men's shirts, her duty being to pin parts together, to finish off, or to run errands.

  52. Industries Aim: To furnish the worker with a background for her trade and to help her to see her place in the working world of today.

  53. It is not possible for a worker who has skill with the hand and no education to back it up to rise far in her trade.

  54. The worker must be able to handle the finest kind of materials and to do the most intricate work, such as hand tucking, setting in lace, and trimmings.

  55. A worker who can place trimming, adapt designs to new purposes, stamp patterns, draw copies of garments, and combine color attractively is especially desirable in her chosen employment.

  56. She put before the girls the helplessness of the individual worker and her inability to bargain.

  57. Whether she lived as a worker in a tenement or as a companion in an old family mansion, she was the most refined person he had ever met and he planned great days when they should be together.

  58. She could not accept the ethics, or lack of ethics, in the relation of the worker to his task.

  59. He was the fastest worker in the room, and when we were taking the full spools off and putting the empty ones on, one child one side the frame, the other the other, Jules must go ahead of his mate.

  60. She took a step forward and saw the worker spraying the budding fruit.

  61. Nay, not even the common worker in the mines is vile and abject.

  62. Also the sulphur is a special worker in ore or metal.

  63. The end of miracle is to prove that the miracle-worker is really that which he assumes to be.

  64. In relation to the miracle-worker faith (confidence in God's aid) is certainly the causa efficiens of the miracle.

  65. A casual observer would have put him down as a fashionable nincompoop, one of those young men whose very appearance is supposed to move the British worker to outbursts of socialistic fury.

  66. Carbon is the wonder worker of the elements.

  67. I think we should seek to advance worker and environmental standards around the world.

  68. Members of Congress have been here less than a month but by the end of the week--28 days into the new year--every member of Congress will have earned as much in congressional salary as a minimum-wage worker makes all year long.

  69. Those of us who believe passionately in the power of open trade must ensure that it lifts both our living standards and our values, never tolerating abusive child labor or a race to the bottom on the environment and worker protection.

  70. I have no problem with punishing bad behavior or the refusal to be a worker or a student or a responsible parent.

  71. The value of woman is her sexual value; her value as a worker is as yet unrecognised, except as a secondary matter.

  72. Women and Labour "The fullest ideal of the woman-worker is she who works not merely or mainly for men as the help and instrument of their purpose, but who works with men as the instrument yet material of her purpose.

  73. Naturally, you will want to be an efficient worker for Socialism, to be able to work successfully.

  74. Good books relating to the problems you have to face as a worker are far better for reading than the yellow newspapers or the sporting prints, my friend.

  75. But I do want you to get firm hold of the simple fact that when an idler gets a dollar he has not earned, some worker must get a dollar less than he has earned.

  76. The worker who does not own the things necessary to produce wealth must work upon the terms imposed by the other fellow in most cases.

  77. Not one worker in a thousand lives to old age and goes down to his grave without having known the pangs of hunger and want, both for himself and those dependent upon him.

  78. There are hundreds of excellent books and pamphlets available to the American worker and student of Socialism, dealing with every conceivable phase of the subject.

  79. That he and his family may always be certain of these things, so that they go down to their graves at last without having experienced the pangs of hunger and want, the worker must be exceptionally fortunate.

  80. Added to these, were a few books and pamphlets translated from the German, most of them written in a heavy, ponderous style which the average American worker found exceedingly difficult.

  81. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "worker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.