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Example sentences for "workers"

Lexicographically close words:
worke; worked; workemanship; workemen; worker; workes; workest; worketh; workforce; workhouse
  1. Presently the farm workers began to come from their huts and file past the stoep towards the outhouses.

  2. Clive was a Theosophist: all men were her brothers, and all women her sisters; but those especially among art-workers who fell by the wayside might share her bread and blanket.

  3. The workers are dark leaden gray in their general color, and present quite a ringed appearance because of the alternation of this dark color with the lighter fuzz which edges the segments of the abdomen.

  4. In crossing well-established breeds the males of a gentle race should be used, otherwise the workers of the cross may vary greatly in temper, especially in the first few generations.

  5. None of the queens should be saved nor should any of the adult workers be returned to the healthy apiary.

  6. Because the workers are forced by the insufficiency of their wages to monopolize labor; and because, before being destroyed by dearth, they destroy each other by competition.

  7. The price is not sufficient: the labor of the workers has created a value; now this value is their property.

  8. As these writers show very clearly, an industry that cannot adequately sustain sound workers is not in reality a source of public wealth at all, but a disease and a parasite upon the public body.

  9. Munition-workers were earning wonderful wages and spending them on gramophones, pianos, furs, and the "pictures.

  10. This quality explains, in part at least, the loyal devotion of his co-workers and the grateful affection of his students.

  11. Cocke In the presentation of Mr. Cocke's fellow-workers in the building up of Hollins Institute, no one will deny the first place to his wife.

  12. Here the immigrants not only found employment in those trades and occupations which the Germans for years had virtually monopolized, but they also became factory workers in great numbers, and many of them went into the mining regions.

  13. Finally, American cities are extending the radius of their magnetism and are drawing ambitious tradesmen and workers from the Levant.

  14. The majority of the French who came to America after 1820 were factory workers and professional people who remained in the cities.

  15. Although this view may not be accepted, it must be remembered that it represents the opinion of a palaeontologist who has had better opportunities than most of his fellow-workers of forming a trustworthy judgment.

  16. It gained its first triumph in the effectual support of the bronze-workers at Paris during their lock-out in 1867; and it repeatedly aided the English unionists by preventing the importation of cheap labour from the continent.

  17. Yes; about the same as the workers were paid.

  18. Along those lines, Mrs. Paine, did he make any remarks with respect to workers in Russia as compared with the position, the economic position of workers in America?

  19. Did he compare his salary with the salary of other workers in Russia?

  20. Did he compare his apartment with the apartment of other workers who worked in Minsk?

  21. Did Oswald compare to you the amount of money that he was paid with the amount of money that other workers in the plant were paid?

  22. No country can be prosperous while the workers want and the idlers waste.

  23. Darwin and Haeckel and Huxley and their fellow-workers filled the night of ignorance with the glittering stars of truth.

  24. The Aristocrats, he explained, were the rulers, who utilized the knowledge of the Scientists and the energy of the Workers to build up a State for themselves.

  25. Thus, every year the famine was worse on Mars, and more Workers died.

  26. This organisation of the proletarians into a class, and consequently into a political party, is continually being upset again by the competition between the workers themselves.

  27. This union is helped on by the improved means of communication that are created by modern industry and that place the workers of different localities in contact with one another.

  28. Now and then the workers are victorious, but only for a time.

  29. The growing competition among the bourgeois, and the resulting commercial crises, make the wages of the workers ever more fluctuating.

  30. Behind the counters workers sobbed in their throats and shifted from one swollen foot to the other.

  31. When the supply of queens is exhausted, the workers destroy the drones.

  32. Mr. Smith inclines to the opinion that the hive of Trigona contains several prolific females, as the great number of workers can only be thus explained, and M.

  33. The workers seem to be of a uniform size, and full as large as the males.

  34. After the first brood, composed of workers, has come forth, the queen bee devotes her time principally to her duties at home, the workers supplying the colony with honey and pollen.

  35. The workers clear the roads of exit, and show the most lively interest in their departure, although it is highly improbable that any of them will return to the same colony.

  36. As the queen continues prolific, more workers are added, and the nest is rapidly enlarged.

  37. This worm is also found, strangely enough, only in the drones, though it is the workers which frequent watery places to appease their thirst.

  38. The first brood of workers live about six weeks in summer, and then give way to a new brood.

  39. So too workers in iron are called {chi alpha lambda kappa epsilon alpha sigma}, or workers in bronze.

  40. Workers are as yet in the collecting stage, and it is hardly necessary to say that explanatory theories are still to be regarded as purely tentative and provisional.

  41. It is related that the Sassanian king Parwiz, the contemporary of Mohammed, crucified in one day forty canal-workers at a certain breach, and yet was unable to master the flood.

  42. His fellow workers regard him with surly disgust and roughly bump into him at every opportunity.

  43. The other day there came shoemakers, potters, workers in wood and iron, from Europe, and they were received in the city of New York as though they had been princes.

  44. After some delay she was answered by a caretaker, whose pail and brush of themselves told her that the working day was over and the workers gone.

  45. With resources provided by the Government of Prussia, these investigators were able to do more for the science and art of glass-making than all the workers who stood between them and the first melters of sand and soda.

  46. The warriors are so much bigger than the workers (in some communities, at least) that it is difficult, at first sight, to believe them of the same race.

  47. We are not bidden to imagine a future state of humanity in which the active majority would consist of semi-female workers and Amazons toiling for an inactive minority of selected Mothers.

  48. It is true that males can sometimes be perceived in it; but they appear only at particular seasons, and they have nothing whatever to do with the workers or with the work.

  49. Soldiers one hundred times larger than the workers whom they guard are not uncommon.

  50. Besides keeping themselves strictly clean, the workers must also keep their houses and gardens in faultless order, for the sake of the children.

  51. For defense against creatures of prey, or enemies of the state, the workers are provided with weapons; and they are furthermore protected by a large military force.

  52. Again and again he had feared that the disease would attack her, and, indeed, he knew that it had only been the constant riding about the island hills in the wonderful air that had kept the little band of workers in health.

  53. He and his fellow-workers were successful also in a more radical way, for about the end of January it was suddenly observed among them that there were no new cases of illness.

  54. When a reporter appears on his first morning, he will find a big, desk-crowded room, deserted except for two or three silent workers reading and clipping papers at a long table.

  55. Poor Gilbert hardly had a chance to get a word in edgewise.

  56. In fact, all who in any capacity put their hands to this noble undertaking are co-workers with Him whose divine ideal was to be consummated in the Kingdom of God on earth.

  57. A strike initiated by workers without authorization of a union, or in violation of the work contract currently in force.

  58. A small hammer used by marble workers and sculptors.

  59. The workers are generally females having the sexual organs imperfectly developed.

  60. When all the workers of iniquity do flourish.

  61. A diseased condition, produced by the absorption of lead, common among workers in this metal or in its compounds, as among painters, typesetters, etc.

  62. A woman who is chief; a woman who has charge of the work or workers in a shop or other place; a head woman.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "workers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.