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Example sentences for "problems"

Lexicographically close words:
problem; problema; problematic; problematical; probleme; proboscis; proceaded; procede; proceded; proceder
  1. Yet they offered problems for years of study.

  2. What days were those of the next few years before increasing age had presented preciser problems and demanded preciser answers; before all joy was darkened by the shadow of on-coming death, and when life seemed infinite!

  3. Sympathy with the great problems then beginning to agitate men they had none.

  4. But mine is the tale of a commonplace life, perplexed by many problems I have never solved; disturbed by many difficulties I have never surmounted; and blotted by ignoble concessions which are a constant regret.

  5. The constant outward occupation prevented any eating of the heart or undue brooding over problems which were insoluble, at least for my intellect, and on that very account fascinated me the more.

  6. Imagine me living by myself, roaming about the fields, and absorbed mostly upon insoluble problems with which I never made any progress, and which tended to draw me away from what enjoyment of life there was which I might have had.

  7. Each season, each crop, offers its own problems and a reward for the correct solution of them.

  8. And the above facts, if I have presented them clearly, will assist the home gardener in solving the fertilizer problems which he is sure to encounter.

  9. I have only to add, as I turn again to the problems waiting for me in field and under glass, that I wish you all success in your work--the making of better gardens in America.

  10. Science was to solve at one fell swoop all the age- old problems of agriculture.

  11. The workshop on problems related to Hawaiian humpback whales, sponsored by the Marine Mammal Commission in 1977, concluded that vessel traffic not oriented toward whales did not ordinarily seem to disturb them.

  12. Some of these organizations have on-going, or plan to initiate, research projects, which may provide data and information of importance to the problems discussed in this report.

  13. Many problems of city government which are taking the attention of the best minds to-day can be studied in simple form here.

  14. Again, "many of the problems of discipline in a children's room would cease to be problems if the material conditions of the room itself were ideal.

  15. Frequently there are courses of lectures given by charity organizations or club meetings of sociological workers where the problems of the city are discussed.

  16. Then, when the unabridged is attacked later, the essentials will be familiar, and the mind freer to attack the somewhat complex problems of arrangement and added information, e.

  17. So many of the problems of discipline in a children's room would cease to be problems if the material conditions of the room itself were ideal, that I shall touch first upon this, the less important branch of my subject.

  18. But, of course, most of the problems come when we are adding the story books.

  19. Point by point, in so far as the work relates to the child, the problems are mutual.

  20. Hitherto we have dealt far more with the negative and repressive aspects of these problems than with any constructive ideal, purpose and method respecting them.

  21. The usual problems in the discipline of individuals and of gangs were present.

  22. Our first and chief concern is with the selection of books and right here we are confronted by so many problems that we might profitably spend the entire week discussing them.

  23. And so I call you to study the problems of philanthropy, to follow intelligently the history of home libraries, to approve this plan of training if it be wise, if not to work out a better one.

  24. To accomplish the result of rendering the quality and effect of high light was one of the problems to which Mr. Page years ago turned his attention; and he found its solution in the transposition of the scale.

  25. The practical problems which have arisen, the details of method of procedure, and the results which have been secured will be discussed in the following chapters.

  26. This would involve problems slightly different from those here presented, but on the whole the same aims may be achieved.

  27. More than that, trained men and women in increasing numbers have been devoting themselves to the endeavor to work out in churches and Sunday schools the practical problems of organization and method.

  28. They were reliving the same experiences and solving the same problems that had confronted David.

  29. The series is planned to meet as far as possible all the problems that arise in the conduct of the educational work of the church.

  30. Through dramatizing a Bible story children come into a comprehension of the life-experiences of a highly religious people; they are forming their own standards and ideals through meeting and solving the simple life-problems of the Hebrews.

  31. But you can't solve problems that way and hope to gain by it .

  32. We're just sending you there because we like to do whimsical things occasionally, to break the God-awful monotony of thinking about the problems the project is confronted with in a serious way.

  33. There's no other sane solution to the population problem, just to mention one of the fifty or sixty major problems we'll have to solve or perish in in the next two centuries.

  34. Very many of us who have daily to do with the problems and perplexities of our social life and to give counsel to the anxious or the penitent or the perturbed will thank you for these clear and cogent chapters.

  35. Further thought shows that the national problems involved are so important and far reaching in effects that they might well arrest the attention of the most careless advocate of indiscriminate conception control.

  36. There can be no doubt that the Parliamentary machine has failed, lamentably, to grapple with the problems you have referred to.

  37. As is well known, the question as to the share which may rightly be assigned to Walter Map in the evolution of the Arthurian legend is one of the problems of modern criticism.

  38. Only a wise and courageous leadership combined with a high order of executive ability, could successfully handle the delicate problems involved in this complicated program.

  39. It contains nothing that was unusual or extraordinary in the lives of those who wrestled with the problems and the privations which were incident to border-life during the period of Brown's youth.

  40. It is not within the purview of this sketch to recite in detail the various incidents, accidents, and extremities which befell the Northern emigrants in working out the problems of state building.

  41. In his case we may reasonably assume that the problems of the future, rather than the present conditions and discouragements, engrossed his thoughts.

  42. The problems before them were how to arouse these units of energy; how to incite the slaves to simultaneous activity, and how to organize and direct them as an operating force.

  43. He busied himself chiefly with problems of light and shade.

  44. Indifference to this reform, and the belief that men may continue to educate without bothering with the subtle problems of philosophy, mean a failure to understand the precise nature of education.

  45. Very often superficial critics, forgetting that pedagogical problems pertain to philosophy and are therefore problems of the spirit, awkwardly try to solve them by the insufficient light of common sense.

  46. We shall, later on, derive from it two corollaries that are very important for teachers, in as much as they bear directly on the problems of education.

  47. It is the philosopher's task, it is the strict duty of human thought to face the problems as they rise out of the positions which it has captured in its onward march.

  48. But in the meantime it is thought unwise to burden his youthful mind with the weighty and complicated problems that can be solved only by the experience of a more mature life.

  49. Today the mass of the people are uninformed even as to ordinary affairs, how much less do they grasp the core of the important problems and complex needs of the time.

  50. They have nothing whatever to do with the problems of the spirit and the complex realities of religious doctrine.

  51. These problems may be divided into two main groups, technically known as those of phylogeny and those of organogeny.

  52. The problems of phylogeny deal with the genealogy of the animal kingdom.

  53. New methods of research will probably be required to grapple with the problems that are still unsolved; but when we look back and survey what has been done in the past, there can be no reason for mistrusting our advance in the future.

  54. This sketch of the results of recent researches will, it is hoped, suffice to bring into prominence the more important steps by which the problems of this department of embryology have been solved.

  55. And a theory, however perfect, did not bring him any nearer to solving the personal problems concerned.

  56. Ascending the rapids presented no new problems to a river-man, but it was downright hard work.

  57. Clare announced her intention of taking over the cooking, but she found that baking biscuits over an open fire in a drizzle of rain, offered a new set of problems to the civilized cook, and Mary had to come to her rescue.

  58. The problems in all this are fairly met and fully discussed in this book, which Dr.

  59. The thoughts of God are high above our thoughts, and the ways of God above our ways, baffling our reason when we endeavor to solve the vexatious problems of destiny, of merit and demerit, of retribution and atonement.

  60. The purely human hope for the continuity or the renewal of life rests on two fundamental problems which must be examined more closely in the next two chapters.

  61. Its own adherents it charged to ponder upon the problems of life and the nature of God, until He would appear before them as the very essence of truth, and all heathenish survivals would vanish as mist.

  62. The fact is that this is only another of the problems insoluble to human reasoning; the freedom of the will must remain for all time a postulate of moral responsibility, and therefore of religion.

  63. The grace and freshness of his style, the apparent ease with which he divested the stern problems of philosophy of their harsher aspects, had won him many and sincere admirers.

  64. We perceive that every attempt to settle problems of faith has thus far signally failed, nor can we hope for better results in the future.

  65. Apart from this it is claimed that a child at thirteen can hardly be prepared to comprehend the fundamental questions of religion, much less to express convictions on problems so grave and difficult.

  66. They found the world greatly changed around them; vast problems engaging the attention of thinkers, science and philosophy everywhere shedding new light upon the path of mankind.

  67. The modern mind is constantly broadening; new facts, new discoveries are constantly coming to light, and loftier problems engage the attention of thinkers.

  68. He preached the mystic doctrine, and insisted that they be applied to the problems of every-day life and conduct.

  69. For, unquestionably, it is one among the many problems of philosophy to establish a wise economy and prudent stewardship of that ever-shifting mass of incoming and outgoing thoughts which make up our intellectual estate and property.

  70. Others, yielding to a morbid reluctance to face the problems of life, have timidly sought shelter in artificial forgetfulness.

  71. The first widely known case was that of the brothers Nussbaumer, published in 1873 by Professor Bruhl of Vienna, of which the English reader will find an account in the last volume of Lewis's Problems of Life and Mind (p.

  72. There was something superhuman in an attitude so recklessly unorthodox, and if other problems had not pressed on him he would have been lost in wonder at the prodigy of the Wellands' daughter urging him to marry his former mistress.

  73. Here he was, at the very moment of his betrothal--a moment for pure thoughts and cloudless hopes--pitchforked into a coil of scandal which raised all the special problems he would have preferred to let lie.

  74. In the complicated old European communities, Archer began to guess, love-problems might be less simple and less easily classified.

  75. I need hardly remind you that ever since mathematics became an exact science, three problems have been recognised as impossible of solution--trisecting the triangle, squaring the circle, and doubling the cube.

  76. Put away your problems and take your night-cap, and do get to bed in something like respectable time.

  77. With her father, she believed in the Doctrine of Re-Incarnation as the only one which affords a logical and entirely just solution of the bewildering puzzles and ghastly problems of human life as seen by the eyes of ignorance.

  78. Problems which had puzzled him to desperation suddenly became as obvious as the first axioms of geometry.

  79. Probably, however, the problems a watch presented won his interest and led him to try his skill in this new field, with the result that he was soon making watches that as far surpassed his associates' as did his clocks.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "problems" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.