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Example sentences for "profitably"

Lexicographically close words:
profiles; profissor; profit; profitable; profitableness; profite; profited; profiteer; profiteering; profiteers
  1. I told him all which I had said and done, thinking that it would profitably remind him of the great subject.

  2. In this latitude, where green grass may be found in abundance throughout the year, sheep may be profitably raised and used in many ways.

  3. Bananas for export are grown profitably only on or near the edge of deep water harbors, where transportation to northern markets is assured.

  4. Such organization is clearly of value, because without it neither tangible nor intangible property can be profitably managed.

  5. Thus the subject of overhead charges can only be discussed profitably in the light of knowledge concerning what has already been included in fixing the unit prices used.

  6. Therefore, you may be able to carry on most profitably to all a campaign of instruction in regard to such thing.

  7. Home sanitation may easily and profitably be taught in the district school, even though only one or two periods per week be set apart for the purpose.

  8. It is crammed with starry plates on wood and stone, and among the celestial phenomena described or figured, by far the larger number may be profitably examined with small telescopes.

  9. With proper textbooks and oral and written exercises, however, a child in grades 2 and 3 can spend time profitably on arithmetical work.

  10. The student who wishes to relate the discussion to the general pedagogy of arithmetic may profitably read, in connection with this volume: The Teaching of Elementary Mathematics, by D.

  11. The older pedagogy of arithmetic stated a general law or truth or principle, ordered the pupil to learn it, and gave him tasks to do which he could not do profitably unless he understood the principle.

  12. Each of these narratives has a distinct spirit, and can be profitably read by all classes of people.

  13. St. Alphonsus declares that he found by the experience of many years that this system cannot be profitably used in the guidance of souls, for it imposes an intolerable burden on both confessors and penitents.

  14. Carbolic acid may be profitably given to the extent of fifteen drops daily, iodide of potassium ten to twenty grains thrice a day, and sulphate of quinia ten grains at the same intervals.

  15. Certain physical qualities which pertain to the malarial poison can also be profitably made points of subjective study.

  16. MacRae learned before long that old Manuel Ferrara was right when he said no man could profitably buy salmon unless he had a cast-iron agreement either with a cannery or a big wholesaler.

  17. They did not care how much money a fisherman made so long as he caught fish for them which they could profitably can.

  18. But MacRae in the Blanco could take six, eight, ten thousand salmon profitably on a margin which the other buyers said was folly.

  19. His life of forethought and reason may be profitably compared with a life spoiled by passion and animalism like that of Byron or of Burns.

  20. Thus it tends, at last, to make an intellectual situation of which the creative power can profitably avail itself.

  21. In the Responses given by the Roman Congregations from 1822 onward to questions relating to the lawfulness of loan-interest, we may profitably consider four principal features.

  22. From this point of view, we may profitably distinguish three principal types.

  23. In the old account of the transaction one reads that in Lorraine Mary noticed the people “profitably employed, some in plaitting straws and others in working (sic) the straw plait into hats.

  24. Another medium of expression that students may profitably employ is drawing.

  25. In writing themes, the principle of distribution of time may also be profitably employed.

  26. This discussion of reading notes has turned into an essay on "How to Read," and you must be convinced by this time that there is much to learn in this respect, so much that we may profitably spend more time in discussing it.

  27. Moreover, the authors of Freeland are continuously and profitably kept busy by thousands of journals of all conceivable kinds which, so far as they offer what is of value, have a colossal sale.

  28. An hour in every day withdrawn from frivolous pursuits would, if profitably employed, enable a person of ordinary capacity to go far towards mastering a science.

  29. In his dilemma he called upon a fellow exile profitably engaged in teaching French, and consulted him what he ought to do to earn a living.

  30. Dexter's encyclopedic book on History of Education in the United States, may profitably serve as texts.

  31. Smith may be profitably used as texts in the courses on these topics.

  32. Courses of this character might profitably be given for the benefit of professional students who have already taken the introductory subjects necessary to their proper understanding.

  33. The labor which could profitably be devoted to this work would be more than that required in any one astronomical observatory.

  34. The time must come ere long when wealth shall outgrow the field in which it can be profitably employed.

  35. Claussen assures me that he could now buy and profitably use almost any quantity of such Flax if it were to be had.

  36. Is there any doubt that Flax-straw may be profitably grown in the United States for $15 or even $10 per tun?

  37. Coal-tar contains a very large number of different substances, but only a few of them can be extracted profitably for colour-making.

  38. Let us now learn what those 12 gallons of tar will give us in the shape of hydrocarbons and carbolic acid, mentioned as extracted profitably from tar.

  39. Everything considered then, only in certain districts of the Mountain Province and on the table lands of Mindanao may Arabian coffee be successfully and profitably cultivated to any considerable extent.

  40. The decrease in the cultivation of coffee and the present status thereof in the Philippines show conclusively that Arabian coffee cannot be profitably grown here below an altitude of 800 meters.

  41. Had the check been drawn in the same style for "six" dollars, it would have been more easily and profitably raised to "sixty.

  42. Much time may be profitably spent in merely scanning each letter of a document, and the writing by lines, paragraphs, and pages before a closer scrutiny.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "profitably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.