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Example sentences for "enable"

Lexicographically close words:
emulsions; emus; emys; ena; enabled; enables; enabling; enact; enacted
  1. The reliable accounts of the early voyagers to our coasts are much too vague to enable later historians to fix the points where they made the land with the confidence with which many undertake to fix them.

  2. England was compelled to surrender the free West to her own children only that she might raise the servile and idolatrous East to such a Christian level as the genius of its peoples could in time enable them to work out.

  3. These his loving heart and Bible knowledge enable him skilfully to turn in favour of the cause he pleads.

  4. These, with the Chinese characters, will enable us to go through the work.

  5. In 1799 we find him reading the Mahabharata epic with the hope of finding some allusion or fact which might enable him to equate Hindoo chronology with reliable history, as Dr.

  6. A late favourable providence will, I hope, enable us to begin, viz.

  7. So Ward obtained a Danish passport to enable him to visit Dinapoor and consult with Carey.

  8. But "to secure their own quiet occupation of them, and enable them to leave them in the hands of such as they might associate with themselves in their work, they declared themselves trustees instead of proprietors.

  9. Whether God will enable us to accomplish it, or any considerable part of it, is uncertain.

  10. We, therefore, voted him a sum to enable him to provide such articles as were necessary to entertain them with decency; and I am not aware that he has been profuse, or that he has provided anything not called for by the rules of propriety.

  11. How this form of the legend allowed the garden of Yima to be placed on the divine mountain, and whether the contradiction was removed or not, our fragments do not enable us to decide.

  12. The records of the ecclesiastical police enable us to trace the spread of the Reformation along the great roads and waterways of France.

  13. He reached Barcelona determined to pursue such studies as would enable him to know theology.

  14. Thomas de Torquemada, the Queen's confessor, eagerly pressed the Inquisition upon his royal penitent, and at last the sovereigns applied to the Pope for a Bull to enable them to establish in Spain an Inquisition of a peculiar kind.

  15. Repression might stamp out Reformers in southern Europe; but faith, enthusiasm, unselfish and self-denying work were needed to enable the Roman Church to assume the offensive.

  16. They were gratuitously housed, fed, and taught in a simple fashion, and were instructed in the various mechanical arts which could enable them to earn a living.

  17. If this fire of life burns at his heart it will illuminate his mind, and enable the brain to see clear; it will develop his spiritual powers of perception, and cause him to perceive things which no amount of intellectual brain-labor can grasp.

  18. A good knowledge of history will enable him to invest the study of geography with new interest.

  19. If you would rise superior to discouragement, if you would acquire that mental discipline which is to enable you to study, and to recite and to teach in the very best and highest manner, pray.

  20. This is necessary to enable him to understand the rule.

  21. A subject that can be divided into portions small enough to enable the teacher to call upon each member of the class at each recitation, should be so divided.

  22. No amount of explanation could enable the Indian women to comprehend the situation from your standpoint.

  23. There is, so far as I see, no possible reason why an indefinite number of organs should not be developed in larvae to protect them from their enemies, and to enable them to compete with larvae of other species, and so on.

  24. This takes place in order to enable the changes of form, which every organ undergoes, in repeating even in an abbreviated way its phylogenetic history, to be effected with the least expenditure of energy.

  25. When the macaroni is nearly tender throw the hard-boiled eggs into cold water for a minute, in order to enable you to take off the shells without burning your fingers.

  26. Now add sufficient water to enable you to boil them, and let the water boil away till very little is left.

  27. If saliva is the medium of Taste, without which there is no expression of taste, WHAT SENSE is there in thinking that it is nothing but a lubricant, to enable food to be easily swallowed?

  28. The function of saliva in digestion has commonly been understood to be the lubrication of the food so as to enable it to be swallowed.

  29. His father had cared greatly for his mother; and could not the love they had both known supply them with the point of sympathetic contact that would enable them to understand the ulterior intention of their two diverging lives?

  30. He would almost have preferred a flat refusal to this request for money to enable some jaded hack to read his poems.

  31. In a very few weeks from the day which brought Sir John Middleton's first letter to Norland, every thing was so far settled in their future abode as to enable Mrs. Dashwood and her daughters to begin their journey.

  32. This little rectory CAN do no more than make Mr. Ferrars comfortable as a bachelor; it cannot enable him to marry.

  33. The night was dark, but there was light sufficient to enable them to see their way.

  34. Fortunately Will, who was near him, managed to assist the unfortunate man in his struggles so as to enable him to rest his head on the blade of a paddle!

  35. My success in these applications has not been such as to enable me to fill out entirely my own idea of the work I wished to present to the reader.

  36. We must keep out of the way of enemies, and my gun will enable me to obtain as much food as we shall require, while you can assist me with your advice, as you know more about the country than I do," he observed.

  37. He was rewarded for his patience, although they were too far off to enable him to see them distinctly.

  38. They shall not catch us napping, at all events," he said to himself; "and I trust to Heaven to enable us to make good use of the means at our disposal.

  39. I went frequently to the door, in the hopes of discovering a rent in the clouds which might enable me to hold out some prospect to my wife of the cessation of the storm.

  40. Would it not be possible to get through the back of the fort, and to place the ladies in the boat, then either to carry them down the river, or enable them to make their escape to the northward?

  41. He then said, "If pluck and courage would enable a man to do it, you would; but I cannot say how much you know about the country and the ways of the Redskins.

  42. Put money i' thy purse; and add story after story to that structure of fame, which will enable you to do as much to that house by the lake side, where I will hope to see you yet.

  43. One had the assurance to come to me a few days since, asking if I could not take him on the strength of the brigade, so as to enable him to get six months pay out of the Government.

  44. Lastly, to endeavor to obtain only sufficient money or other commodities to enable us to preserve our life and health, and to follow such general customs as are consistent with our purpose.

  45. The absence of organic remains in rocks is therefore not sufficient to enable us to state that these rocks were formed before animals or vegetables existed.

  46. In some instances the data have been sufficient to enable botanists to refer a fossil plant to a genus of the present day, so that we have fossil species of the genera Ulmus, Alnus, Pinus, etc.

  47. The arrangement of the punctations in the Coniferæ gives characters which enable us to classify the woods into groups that have some relation to the genera established from the reproductive organs (see Figs.

  48. The British were at his flank, and besides, they had been able to spare some of their heavy artillery to send to the Sixth Army under General Maunoury, to enable him to cross the Ourcq.

  49. Each must be covered with a force at least strong enough to hold the enemy back long enough to enable the forces stationed at the other points to come up to support.

  50. He knows also just how fast his shells will travel and makes calculations that enable him to place a shell at that point at just the right second.

  51. Here and there a shelf of level soil may be found, just enough to enable people to grow their own necessities.

  52. It advanced toward Wirballen with the object of gaining the road to Eydtkuhnen and Stallupoehnen, which would enable them to strike once more for the important junction at Insterburg.

  53. But, of course, the moment the Germans enter Russian territory they have no advantage over the Russians, since even their wonderful efficiency does not enable them to build railroads as fast as an army can advance.

  54. It was their desire that this strengthening should enable them to extend northward along the Warthe River, thus freeing some of the German troops for service in the army that was advancing from Thorn.

  55. It contains the people who produce the majority of the nation's wealth for consumption and export and therefore enable the nation to pay its bills.

  56. They also fixed April 23 for the stoppage of all work as an earnest of this resolve and to enable all workers to sign the pledge of resistance.

  57. They also claimed that the seaplane was the means of saving the Wolf from capture off the Australian coast on one occasion, when she was successful in sighting a warship in sufficient time to enable the Wolf to make good her escape.

  58. Shortage of Farm Labor In addition to that, the French Army at that time was holding, I think, a two-division front on our line in order to enable us to accumulate the necessary reserves for the purposes of the attack in Flanders.

  59. It diverted my mind enough from myself to enable me to sleep; for I was burning with self-disgust to think of my cowardice.

  60. The frescoes are fanciful representations of supposed incidents in the life of the early inhabitants, and the models of tumuli, tombs, dolmens, cromlechs and the like, enable one to picture some part of the rude life of the people.

  61. Kemmerer, of Ré, covers a number of tiles with a coating of a kind of mastic, brittle enough to enable him to detach the small oysters from it.

  62. The lowness of the tide will enable us to take the boat into them, and the calmness of the sea will preclude much danger of her striking the rocks; especially as watchful Bate will be on the alert, boat-hook in hand, to keep her clear.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    enable him; enable the; enable them; enabled them