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Example sentences for "level"

Lexicographically close words:
levator; leve; leved; levee; levees; leveled; leveler; leveling; levell; levelled
  1. The level of the lakes of Chalco and Tezcuco is above that of the city, and the flooding of the valley was regarded as an effective means of defense.

  2. This street, owing to a depression in the level and to bad drainage, was usually flooded, during the rainy season, after every severe aguacero.

  3. The woodchuck was no taller than he used to be, but when he climbed up on the brown boulder above his house he was on a level with the sapling fir, and though he was not much of a talker he was a great thinker and had opinions.

  4. The Indians were secreted in the high grass growing on the level ground on both sides of the stream.

  5. A young woman, Mary Hackett, who died in pioneer times, was buried at the eastern extremity of the level ground, not far from where the soldier was interred.

  6. Following the first turn to the left a level tract is soon noticed on the right as the machine passes a German Lutheran church and public school.

  7. Round about this gulf there is a level space, which in parts is broad but in other parts very narrow; and mountains lofty and inaccessible surrounding this place enclose the whole land of Malis and are called the rocks of Trachis.

  8. He lowered their stems nearly to a level with the ground; none of them shot up again.

  9. The manager drew their attention to little openings in the sheepfolds nearly on a level with the floor, and ingenious doors in the pigsties which could shut of their own accord.

  10. This would make God descend to the level of the useful, as if our wants were the measure of the Absolute.

  11. His magnanimity took me by the throat; without a word I led him to the one window looking inward upon sloping slates and level leads.

  12. I did my level best to leave you behind, but you wouldn't listen to me.

  13. They had rather the effect of putting me on better terms with myself, through bringing him down to my level for the time being.

  14. As authors, as collaborators, we will sit with the flower of our critics, and find our own level in the expert eye.

  15. It was placed high up in the door, feet above the handle, and the chain of holes with which Raffles had soon surrounded it were bored on a level with his eyes.

  16. The glider turned abruptly, and dropped rapidly for several seconds before Epworth could level out.

  17. When he turned to look out again he discovered that they were located on the peak of a high mountain that sheered off almost straight down for ten thousand feet to a long level stretch of land composed of brownish colored soil.

  18. They shot suddenly across a range of high mountains and came to a long level stretch of shimmering white.

  19. At low tide this might be accessible from below, but just now the water was almost on a level with the top of the piles, making all approach impossible save by boat.

  20. Was the picture, when you saw it, on a level with your eye, or did you have to lift your head in order to see it?

  21. There were no shades at the window, as I have before said, and, once Sweetwater's eye had reached the level of the sill, he could see the interior without the least difficulty.

  22. There was no wind and the waves came in with a soft plash, but so near to the level of the road that it was evident, even to these strangers, that the tide was at its height and would presently begin to ebb.

  23. Fearing the ponderous effect of a pedestal large enough to hold such a considerable group, he had planned to raise it to the level of the eye by having the alcove floor built a few feet higher than the main one.

  24. On the first night of the piece he ascended from below at the proper time; but when he gained the level of the stage, the ropes which were attached to the trap broke, and he fell back into the cellar, from which he had just risen.

  25. It is the result of the level rock strata of the plains suddenly bending upward and protruding out of the earth.

  26. Other stones had, in the course of time, made a sort of breastwork about this level flooring so that the retreat was both a refuge and a defense.

  27. And even though he had been able to effect escape from his room, he knew that without a horse he was utterly helpless on the broad, level stretches of prairie.

  28. But now she could see beyond the lawn only a quivering curtain of rich green which the growing corn spread before the level landscape, and above whose swaying heads appeared occasionally the top of an advancing white sun-shade.

  29. He was following the same path that he traversed daily to and from the mill, and which soon brought him out into the level with its soft tufted grass and clumps of squat thorn trees.

  30. The Captain was released just as I saw the other miscreant level a pistol at Clump.

  31. The chief advantage of this invention consists in the lines being of equal height in the cast, in consequence of their being etched through the plaster to the level surface of the plate beneath.

  32. When a plug is firmly fixed, the top is carefully cut down to the level of the block, and the part of the subject wanting re-drawn and engraved.

  33. In this case a hole of sufficient size is to be drilled in the block, and afterwards filled up with plaster to the level of the surface.

  34. When the deviation from a perfect level at the bottom is not so great as to attract the notice of the pressman previous to taking an impression, the block not unfrequently yields to the action of the platten, and splits.

  35. For, suppose the relative level of the sea to remain stationary, after a fringing reef has reached that distance from the land at which the depth of water amounts to 150 feet.

  36. And, finally, that if the relative level of the sea rise so much that the encircled land is completely submerged, the reef must necessarily pass into the condition of an atoll.

  37. But how is it possible that the relative level of the land and sea should be altered to this extent?

  38. And no one has yet shown that any such great melting of polar ice, and consequent raising of the level of the water of the ocean, has taken place since the existing atolls began to be formed.

  39. And, in some localities, as I have mentioned, the process was repeated until the first of the alternating beds had sunk to near three miles below its original level at the surface of the earth.

  40. A commitment to the establishment of full equality between men and women, in all departments of life and at every level of society, will be central to the success of efforts to conceive and implement a strategy of global development.

  41. V It is in the context of raising the level of human capacity through the expansion of knowledge at all levels that the economic issues facing humankind need to be addressed.

  42. It will entirely transform the role of women at every level of society.

  43. His shoulder having remained so long unset, the muscles became rigid, and he never had the power of raising his right arm upon a level again.

  44. The fourth son goes early into the Navy, and the discipline and the inheritance of his mother's more level qualities turn him into a splendid fellow; but this is mere chance, and cannot be counted as accruing from his mother's care.

  45. His first care then was to survey, through the aperture that lay in a level with his eye, the character of the scene before him.

  46. On the left, and in the front, rose a succession of slightly undulating hills, which, at a distance of little more than half a mile, terminated in an elevation considerably above the immediate level of the Detroit side of the ravine.

  47. The arrival of the reserve company made things rather more level as regards numbers, though--as it afterwards transpired--the Germans were throughout in a majority of at least two to one.

  48. The scales drop from the eyes; the glamour of the unknown fades away, and the enemy sinks from its apotheosis to the level of mere mortal clay.

  49. It has been supposed that a subterranean communication exists between this lake and that of Nemi, but Nibby asserts that this is impossible, as the level of the lake of Nemi is higher than that of the Alban lake.

  50. The front of the buildings was at the northern end towards Rome, and the remains of a portico can be traced, which supported a terrace on a level with the first floor rooms of the mansion.

  51. It was formerly approached by six steps, but two only are now above the level of the surrounding ground.

  52. Seven steps lead up to the level of the floor from the Forum level.

  53. The level of this aqueduct corresponds exactly with the building in question, and the style of brickwork and architecture are such as might belong to the third century.

  54. The farm is situated on a rising ground which sinks with a gentle slope to the stream, leaving a level intervening strip now yellow with the harvest.

  55. These are raised on gigantic constructions of opus quadratum to the level of the rest of the Palatine Hill.

  56. The arches are now entirely covered with rubbish, and the conduit of the aqueduct itself, which formerly was raised upon them, is consequently now upon the level of the ground.

  57. A great controversy was raised at that time as to the real level of the original arena between several of the archaeological professors and antiquarians of Rome.

  58. Its circumference is about five miles; and the level of the water is higher than that of the Alban Lake.

  59. His rod was balanced level in his hand, his head bent forward against half a gale of wind, which, after sweeping the grass slopes into silvery waves, raced with white horses over the greener sea beyond.

  60. Was that level streak of light westwards the Atlantic or a glint of sky?

  61. So to the level stretches of moor and the full force of the blustering wind.

  62. The education given in the ordinary schools is on a level with that of our elementary schools.

  63. A march through fierce heat at a low level brought us at noon to the village of Imamzada-i-Mamil.

  64. This very rich plain, about thirty miles long by from six to eight broad, has been described as "waterlogged," and the level of the water is only a foot below the surface.

  65. This plain of Hadji Hussein is in fact only another part of the alluvial level of the Jagatsu, which, with a breadth of from four to ten miles, extends for nearly forty miles, and is fertile and populous for most of its length.

  66. The appearance, then, as judged by the eye, is that of a mighty basin whose edge rises up all round to the level of the balloon, while its bottom lies two or three miles or more below the balloon.

  67. Now 4000 years ago she stood on the horizon itself at her southern culmination, with level keel and upright mast.

  68. To all appearance the line of the horizon corresponded exactly with the level of the eye-pupils of the observer.

  69. There is a picture in most of these books representing the effect of ascent above the sea-level in depressing the line of sight to the horizon, and bringing more and more into view the convexity of the earth's globe.

  70. Mark soon saw a solitary gleam of light, like a glowworm, at sea level in the solid darkness of the precipices, and Doria, slowing down, crept in toward it.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "level" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accommodate; address; adjust; aim; alabaster; align; alike; amount; assimilate; automatic; balance; balanced; band; basin; bed; bedding; belt; blood; bottomland; bracket; branch; buffer; burn; caliber; cancel; cast; caste; category; champaign; clan; class; clerestory; commensurate; compass; compensate; consistent; consonant; constant; continuous; coordinate; correspondent; counterbalance; countervail; course; cut; damp; deck; defensible; degree; delta; demolish; desert; deserved; devastate; dignity; direct; division; down; downy; drag; drawn; dress; drop; dub; due; earth; equable; equal; equalize; equate; equitable; esplanade; estate; even; evenly; extent; fair; fell; fit; flat; flats; flatten; floor; flush; footing; gallery; gauge; glabrous; glass; good; grade; grassland; grease; ground; group; grouping; handle; harmonize; harrow; head; heading; heath; height; hew; homogeneous; horizontal; ice; immutable; incline; integrate; interval; invariable; ivory; just; justifiable; justified; key; kin; knock; knotted; label; lathe; lawful; lay; leap; ledge; legal; lengthwise; level; like; lineal; linear; lowlands; lubricate; marble; mare; mark; measure; measured; mechanical; meet; merited; mesa; methodical; monolithic; moor; notch; nuance; oil; order; ordered; orderly; par; parterre; peg; period; persistent; pigeonhole; pillage; pitch; plain; plane; plaster; plateau; platform; playa; point; poise; position; prairie; precipitate; predicament; prone; proper; proportion; proportionate; prostrate; pull; quits; race; range; rank; rating; ratio; raze; reach; rectilinear; regular; regularize; regulate; remove; right; rightful; roll; round; rubric; rung; satin; savanna; scale; scope; seam; section; sept; shade; shadow; shave; shelf; silk; slide; smash; smooth; space; sphere; square; squashed; stabilize; stable; stage; stair; stamp; standard; standardize; standing; station; status; steadfast; steady; step; steppe; stereotype; stint; story; straight; strain; stratum; streamlined; suave; subdivision; subgroup; suborder; substratum; sustained; systematic; table; tableland; tabloid; tabular; terrace; thickness; throw; tied; tier; title; tool; topple; topsoil; train; tread; trip; true; tumble; tundra; unbending; unbent; unbowed; unbroken; unchangeable; unchanging; undeviating; undifferentiated; undistorted; uniform; uninterrupted; unruffled; unswerving; unvarying; upland; upright; veld; velvet; vertical; warrantable; warranted

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    level canal; level country; level ground; level keel; level plain; level surface; level teaspoonful