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Example sentences for "strain"

Lexicographically close words:
straightwaies; straightway; straightwayes; straightways; straik; straine; strained; strainer; strainers; straining
  1. The nervous strain was a severe one and I forthwith abandoned any plan that I had of attempting to do London by motor car.

  2. I had come to the conclusion that outside of Sundays and holidays the nervous strain of attempting to drive an automobile in the streets of London was such as to make the effort not worth while.

  3. Nor was Meg like a Frenchwoman, to want to break out in fits the moment the strain was over.

  4. Ethelberta had far too much heroism to let much in this strain escape her, though her sister was prepared to go any lengths in the same.

  5. One thing above all others you'll have to mind, and it is that folk must continually strain to advance in order to remain where they are: and you particularly.

  6. Now as ever she remained on the moral side a creature of strain and effort, tormented by ideals not to be realised, and eager to drive herself and others in a breathless pursuit of them.

  7. But there will be friends to help--friends that will strain every nerve to help.

  8. This pecuniary strain had a marked effect upon him.

  9. Blind guides strain out the gnat, and swallow a camel.

  10. Je serai charm‚ de lier connaissance avec un si amiable compagnon," said he, and continued in a strain so swift and unabated that it would have been impossible for an Englishman to have traced the inflections.

  11. Its suddenness can only be appreciated by those who have sailed in the West India passages, where the sudden shocks of the short-chopping sea acts with a tremendous strain upon the hull of a heavy-laden vessel.

  12. But the strain was kept up; fresh glasses were supplied; fresh bottles drained; the waiters looked on, wondered where all this would end, and pointed to the ruin of the costly service.

  13. Blockading duty is monotonous work, though the strain on the lookouts is intense.

  14. The stress and strain of the night before made the few hours of "caulking off," that we now enjoyed, particularly grateful.

  15. The long friendship between Clemens and Harte weakened under the strain of collaboration and intimate daily intercourse, never to renew its old fiber.

  16. I have got in two or three chapters about Wagner's operas, and managed to do it without showing temper, but the strain of another such effort would burst me!

  17. His strength already depleted by the long march with the hand-cart party and by the exhausting strain of the day, he was early chilled by the water into which he plunged the repentant sinners.

  18. And under this ran a minor strain born of the rage that still burned within him: "But, oh, the day of wrath that shall dawn on yonder Gentiles!

  19. He spoke with aroused energy, a little wistful smile softening the strain of his face.

  20. It hampers me that I must compose in the strain of Labaregue himself, instead of allowing my eloquence to soar.

  21. Her tastes have been a considerable strain on my resources, and in consequence my affairs have become involved.

  22. Yet for a man on the verge of parting from his identity, I venture to hope that you will strain a point.

  23. It seemed the sweetest strain to which he had ever listened; and romance and mystery lent it their magic.

  24. At daylight, we looked anxiously around for the other boats; but in vain did we strain our eyes--nothing was visible.

  25. The form of the ground was lost in the multitude and they could only tell by the strain in their limbs whether they were walking up or down hill.

  26. Mrs. Spires had heard many mothers talk as Esther talked, but when the real strain of life was put upon them they had yielded to the temptation of ridding themselves of their burdens.

  27. To make a purée of the chestnuts which strain through the colander.

  28. Strain this through a hair sieve and keep it in glass flask for future use.

  29. There is nothing in the play to strain the attention or to puzzle the intellect, and it is full of laughter: no wonder it was a success.

  30. Every rung seemed to strain my muscles to the breaking point; but we kept on climbing, and we were gaining on the ladder.

  31. A strain or two, a puffed command from Hawkins, an ominous sliding about of hidden dishes, and the machine lurched forward, poised a moment on its edge and turned quite gently, so that the wheels approached the floor.

  32. I was speculating as to whether he was actually succumbing--whether I could stand the strain myself for another minute--when everything began to slide.

  33. The effects of mental strain are often mingled with, and aggravated by, those of stimulants which have been used to spur the flagging energies.

  34. I take the greatest pleasure in testifying to the courtesy which has marked all our relations, and which has lessened materially the labor and strain inevitable in the production of such a work.

  35. The general effect may be obtained by the use of occasional larger doses, but it is better not to strain the eliminating powers of the system.

  36. Chronic alcoholism among male subjects and the cachexia induced by all chronic visceral and systemic disorders are sources of weakness which largely increase the death-list by adding to the heavy strain upon the vital energies.

  37. Wherefore am I wedded only to my fancies, content that my days should not be subjected to the strain of trying to be all things to one woman, preferring as I do to remain one thing to all women instead--their devoted admirer and willing slave.

  38. He's succumbed to the strain of it all at last, and now the gobelins have got him.

  39. He spoke with a bitter earnestness born of the intense strain under which he was laboring; and he did not consider how his words might or might not affect his hearer.

  40. He was tired with the strain of the last weeks, he hated the vulgar crowd one met in travelling, so that to sleep and avoid his companions seemed the only course desirable under the circumstances.

  41. There is nothing so quick to betray to the sensitive ear any strain of plebeian descent as the voice, and of this no one was more thoroughly aware than Laurence Stanninghame.

  42. Accustomed as he was to perilous situations, to horrifying sights, the strain upon his nerves was becoming painfully intense.

  43. These civil, religious, and economic persecutions thereupon drove to America an ethnic strain that has had an influence upon the character of the nation far out of proportion to its relative numbers.

  44. In Sicily this strain shows at its worst.

  45. Hitherto she had never been called upon to undergo more nerve-strain than is endured by a hen in a well-regulated chicken run, seeing life and adventure and passion only through the eyes of her favorite novelists.

  46. No," she said, "the Countess is feeling the strain of an even more than usually busy season.

  47. Just for one instant Beatrix allowed her companion to get a glimpse of the strain under which she was laboring.

  48. The strain of living over a mine began to tell.

  49. For this pittance the peasants toil from twelve to fifteen, and often sixteen, hours a day; and, thanks to their insufficient food, the constant strain soon begins to tell.

  50. But whether the omission is due to the breaking down of faith under the strain of grief, or whether it is conventionally improper in a lament to allude to anything which would lighten the sense of bereavement, I do not know.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strain" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abrade; affectation; affiliation; agitation; aim; air; alarm; animus; apprehension; aptitude; aria; balk; bark; belie; bent; bias; birth; bleed; blemish; blench; bloat; blood; bloody; boggle; bolt; book; bracket; branch; brand; break; breed; bridge; brood; burden; burn; cadence; camouflage; canto; care; cast; caste; category; chafe; character; check; chill; chip; chorus; clan; clarify; class; claw; clear; coda; coldness; color; commotion; community; concern; consanguinity; constitution; continue; couplet; crack; craze; culture; cut; debility; demur; denomination; derivation; descant; descent; description; designation; determination; development; diapason; diathesis; difficulty; discharge; disguise; disposition; disquiet; distension; distill; distort; distress; disturbance; division; draft; drag; drain; draught; draughtsman; draughty; draw; dread; drive; eccentricity; effort; effuse; elongate; embarrassment; embellish; embroider; emit; encumber; endeavor; enervate; estate; exaggeration; excrete; exert; exertion; exhaust; exposition; extend; extension; extract; extraction; exude; eyestrain; falsify; falter; family; fashion; fear; feather; figure; filiation; filter; flinch; folk; force; foreboding; form; fracture; fray; fret; frost; fudge; gag; gall; gash; genre; gens; genus; gild; gloss; grade; grain; grandiloquence; group; grouping; harass; haul; head; heading; heave; hesitate; hint; house; humor; hurt; idiosyncrasy; ilk; incise; inclination; incompatibility; individualism; inflate; inflation; injure; inquietude; interlude; intermezzo; intimation; jib; kidney; kin; kind; label; labor; lacerate; languor; lassitude; lay; leaning; lengthen; lengthening; level; line; lineage; lot; maim; make; makeup; malaise; manner; mannerism; mark; mask; maul; measure; meliorate; melody; mettle; mind; misconstrue; misdirect; misgiving; misinterpret; misquote; misrepresent; misuse; mode; moil; mold; mood; mould; moulder; mouldy; movement; mutilate; nation; nationality; nature; nervousness; note; number; octave; octet; ooze; order; ornament; overdraw; overemphasis; overload; overstate; overstrain; overtax; overwork; pain; parentage; part; passage; paternity; pause; peculiarity; pedigree; people; percolate; period; persuasion; perturbation; pervert; phrase; phylum; pierce; pigeonhole; position; predicament; predilection; predisposition; preference; press; pressure; prey; proclivity; produce; production; prolong; prolongation; propensity; protract; protraction; pucker; pull; puncture; purify; push; quail; quatrain; race; rack; rank; rating; recoil; rectify; reek; refine; refrain; rend; resolution; resolve; response; rhetoric; rubric; run; rupture; savage; scald; scorch; scrape; scratch; screen; screw; scruple; section; seed; seek; seep; separate; sept; septet; sextet; shape; shrink; shy; side; sieve; sift; skin; slant; slash; slavery; sleepiness; slit; smell; society; solicitude; solo; song; sorrow; sort; species; spiritualize; sprain; sprinkling; stab; stamp; stanza; statement; station; status; stave; stem; stew; stick; stickle; stirps; stock; strain; straining; stratum; stray; streak; stress; stretch; stretching; stripe; strive; striving; strophe; struggle; study; stumble; style; subdivision; subgroup; sublimate; sublime; suborder; succession; suggestion; suspense; sweat; swell; swelling; syllable; task; tax; taxing; tear; temper; temperament; tendency; tense; tension; tighten; tincture; tinge; title; toil; torture; totem; trace; transpire; treble; tribe; trick; triplet; trouble; try; tug; tune; turn; twist; type; understate; uneasiness; unfriendliness; upset; variation; variety; varnish; vein; verse; vexation; warble; warp; waver; way; weakness; weariness; weep; whitewash; wince; winnow; work; wound; wrench; wrestle; zeal

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    strain them; strain through; strained voice