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Example sentences for "stretching"

Lexicographically close words:
stretcher; stretchers; stretches; stretchest; stretcheth; stretcht; strete; stretes; stretta; stretto
  1. It was called a paragraph for the sake of uniformity, but it was in reality a narrative, stretching to a couple of columns, and giving a detailed account of the attempted identification.

  2. Once or twice she stumbled and nearly fell over stumps of trees, but at last she reached the junction, and now the moonlight enabled her to see the white line of the sandy road stretching far ahead.

  3. Old Nakanit knows that the Sabbath is not a day for idle visits, and indeed, Rose, it does not become us to be stretching our heads out of the window.

  4. Be very kind to me, please," she begged, stretching her arms out to him.

  5. Our meeting," he observed, lazily stretching out his hand for his glass, "should be full of interest to the psychologist.

  6. Ripping, old chap, of you to have me down here," the young man remarked amiably, his hand stretching out to a tumbler which stood by his side.

  7. Stretching his body across the table, Jacob shook his clenched fist in the speaker's face.

  8. The foreman, stretching out his hands in front of him, looked round the table with an air which was eloquent with deprecation.

  9. Crossing his arms upon his chest, stretching out his long legs in front of him, he regarded the toes of his evening shoes.

  10. How do you know when to leave off stretching it?

  11. As soon as the pot reached this he knew he must leave off stretching it out.

  12. When we had reached the southern point of the east Pallisers, we saw a ridge stretching ten miles westward to two small islands, and thence taking a northern direction to unite itself at a considerable distance with larger ones.

  13. In the country of Weijoride they began to climb the mountains, and soon entered a charming valley stretching to the south-southwest, and enclosed by high steep rocks, basaltic, like those of Matarai.

  14. The Government-owned Intercolonial and Transcontinental Railways stretching from Halifax to Winnipeg were to be transferred to the Dominion Company.

  15. As they emerged from the forest, they could see stretching before them a broad expanse of hill and dale, wood and field.

  16. It was not the sudden bolt that awed him; but the lightning streamed upon a host of armed men, stretching away as far as the eye could reach.

  17. I'm just a silly myself," she said rising and stretching her pretty arms over her head as if awakening from sleep.

  18. Waking up, Nan, and stretching and learning to stand alone.

  19. San Mateo, frankly, bored her, although she could not but admire the beautiful old place, the lovely homes set in enchanting old gardens, the lawns and drives stretching under an endless vista of superb oaks.

  20. Gray Babcock, coming in from the theatre, and stretching his long cold hands over the dying fire.

  21. There," he answered, stretching out his arm.

  22. Valentine said, stretching himself in an easy chair, "I am beginning to get tired.

  23. This said middle row of houses stretching west to a stone cross, now headless, by or against the Strand, including the said parish church of St. Clement, is also wholly of the liberty and duchy of Lancaster.

  24. A diligent searcher (saith Paris) might find out the foundation of the hall, which he was supposed to have built, stretching from the river of Thames, even to the common highway.

  25. And now will I speak of the gate-house, and of Totehill street, stretching from the west part of the close.

  26. I've heard tell of Belle Lorrigan drivin' hell-whoopin' over the country with a team of bronks, but I kinda thought they was stretching the truth.

  27. But Lance could see nothing save the barren stretch of lava and the monotonous wilderness beyond, with mountains in the far background and the Black Rim stretching grim on the left of him.

  28. Perhaps the most attractive feature of the whole composition is the beautiful landscape so characteristically stretching away into the far blue distance, suggested rather than revealed through the open window.

  29. She could see it stretching before her into the years.

  30. The opal-buyer got up too, and flung out his arms, stretching with relief to be done with his day's work.

  31. Commenting on the condition of our mounts, I remarked that, as the Boers had come in so close, the horses would have but little opportunity for stretching their legs.

  32. I smiled sadly, stretching out my swollen legs.

  33. Stretching her hand, she gathered some white pinks from the garden border and inhaled their spicy fragrance; and Claud, slowly approaching, diffidently crossed the grass to where she sat.

  34. I feel to-day as if I could walk a mile," he said, with pride, stretching his long legs and arms and tossing his head.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stretching" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amplification; ballyhoo; bloat; burlesque; caricature; diastole; dilation; distension; dropsy; drowsiness; edema; enhancement; enlargement; exaggeration; excess; exorbitance; expansion; extension; extravagance; extreme; flatulence; grandiloquence; heightening; huckstering; hyperbole; inflation; languor; lengthening; lethargy; magnification; overemphasis; prodigality; production; prolongation; protraction; puff; sensationalism; somnolence; strain; straining; stretch; stretching; superlative; swell; swelling; tension; travesty; tumescence; yawning