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Example sentences for "expansion"

Lexicographically close words:
expands; expanse; expanses; expansibility; expansible; expansionary; expansionist; expansionists; expansions; expansive
  1. Every instinct that makes for the expansion and elevation (for growth is always upward as well as outward) of the child's nature is given the freest possible play, and the whole organisation of the school is subordinated to this central end.

  2. In infancy, it is a desire for physical life, for the preservation and expansion of the physical self; and in this stage it is, as I have already pointed out, uncompromisingly selfish.

  3. The only important lakes are those on or near the north frontier, formed by the expansion of the tributaries of the Po.

  4. Should it thrust its way in, the natural and continuous expansion of its several parts will necessarily hasten the decay of the edifice.

  5. Indeed there is no Christian prayer worth anything which does not owe its whole merit to the Lord's Prayer; and the noblest liturgy of the Church is but the expansion and application of the same.

  6. Certainly the expansion of the popular mind through education, the influences of modern science, must compel modification or abandonment of many ancient Shinto conceptions; but the ethics of Shinto will surely endure.

  7. It is composed of a series of chambers or segmental parts, which by a rhythmic contraction and expansion propel the blood anteriorly and into a short, narrow, unsegmented anterior portion of the vessel which may be called the aorta.

  8. Beneath the liver is a large loop-shaped expansion of the alimentary canal, the stomach.

  9. The males can be distinguished from the females by the peculiar pad-like expansion of the last tarsal segment of the fore legs.

  10. At the union of the bronchi with the trachea is a small expansion with cartilaginous walls, within which are stretched small bands of muscles.

  11. These movements, together with the contraction of the diaphragm, cause the expansion and contraction of the thoracic cavity whereby the lungs are regularly filled and emptied.

  12. The impression received from each successive idea must be so vivid as to dominate the rhythm of breathing, and the expansion and other actions of the body.

  13. In August 1838 Lyell published the Elements of Geology, which, from being originally an expansion of one section of the Principles, became a standard work on stratigraphical and palaeontological geology.

  14. He observed the lack of them all in De Seyres, and his incapacity for expansion made his case the more difficult to handle.

  15. And again from these the process of tribal expansion was carried yet further.

  16. At first begun as free schools, [23] the expansion of effort was more rapid than the income from contributions, and a small tuition fee was in time charged.

  17. Was the change in character of the education of Roman youths, after the expansion of the Roman State and the establishment of world contacts, preventable, or was it a necessary evolution?

  18. The effect of all this on the expansion of the work of the philosophical faculty was marked.

  19. How may the demoralization incident to such expansion be anticipated and minimized?

  20. Do periods of great political, commercial, and intellectual expansion usually subject old systems of morality and education to severe strain?

  21. Another nineteenth-century expansion of state education has come in the provision now generally made for the education of defectives.

  22. Describe the expansion of the educational idea since the days when Pestalozzi formulated the theory for the secular school.

  23. By the latter part of the thirteenth century the most extensive travel which had taken place since the days of ancient Rome had begun, and in the next two and a half centuries a great expansion of the known world took place.

  24. Yet, as we pointed out earlier, the early nineteenth century witnessed a vast expansion of scientific knowledge, and by 1860 the main keys of modern science (p.

  25. With the relatively rapid expansion of capitalism, beginning with the year 1888, and the inevitable increase of the city proletariat, the Marxian movement made great progress.

  26. This war is provoked by the policy of expansion for which the ruling classes of all countries are responsible.

  27. Taking its expansion as 1, that of tin would be 3, i.

  28. Nay, the highly edifying evidences proclaiming the expansion and the consolidation of the superb historic work achieved in so many of these territories must be rapidly multiplied.

  29. Footnote 14: An excellent example of this is the expansion and modification undergone during the past twenty years by our theories of the Aryan settlement of Europe.

  30. But in this house it is a very small room and designed to serve not merely as a place for the formalities of welcome but also as an expansion of the rooms on either side.

  31. He had been reading in his favourite review an article eulogising the freedom and expansion which had made the upper middle class so fine a body; and with eyes wandering from side to side he nodded his head ironically.

  32. Expansion and freedom," ran his thoughts: "Freedom and expansion!

  33. Then I realized that the wine had frozen solid and had pushed the cork out by its expansion on solidification.

  34. The expansion of Western territory and the development of the factory system were making many quick fortunes and creating discontent with quiet and settled frugality.

  35. Seeley, in his Expansion of England (p.

  36. Hence the Virginia compromise dealt only with the expansion of slavery, would go no further than to give the North a veto on that expansion.

  37. And amid it all, between the lines of it all, could not any one glimpse a scheme for the expansion of the United States southward?

  38. I shall now show you an experiment, which proves the expansion of the air, contained within a body, when it is relieved from the pressure of the external air.

  39. Thirdly--That there was sufficient moisture added to it to compensate for its increased capacity for moisture, due to its expansion by the additional heat given to it, (which is a very important thing.

  40. Fundamentally, that cause was the check imposed by other nations on the expansion of the German Empire.

  41. That expansion means the upbuilding of enormous populations of Japanese in those countries.

  42. We must recognize both the necessity and the right of Japanese expansion into new territories.

  43. The necessity for that expansion resulted from the rapid increase in the population, trade, and national wealth of Germany.

  44. It entirely lacks the capacity of instant automatic expansion necessary to quickly put an army of a million men in the field.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "expansion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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