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Example sentences for "spattering"

Lexicographically close words:
spatium; spats; spatted; spatter; spattered; spatters; spatula; spatulate; spavin; spavined
  1. There was a spattering sound, as of sleet falling against a distant roof.

  2. A spattering sound like the falling of heavy sleet filled the control room.

  3. She was pale, the freckles on her fair skin showing like a spattering of brown paint, her flaming hair slipped in a tousled coil to one side of her head.

  4. Last night seemed to close in clear, and even at midnight it was still light enough to read; but this morning rose on us misty and chill, with spattering showers of rain.

  5. Still, wearily, I swing my shovel, Spattering the black coal over the palates Of the snoring mouths which rapidly swallow.

  6. I rode on unwillingly, expecting to hear a furious tirade from my companion, who still held my rein; but he was silent for a few minutes, while the bullets kept on spattering and whizzing about us without hitting any one.

  7. I now began to wonder how it was that we were not seen through some one of the flashes and hit by bullets sent spattering among the stones among which we wended our way; but none came near.

  8. A dash of spray from the lawn-sprinkler was spattering the sill, threatening to dampen a pile of dainty clothing laid upon a chair.

  9. Again the fragments hissed and whistled past and lumps of earth and mud fell spattering and splashing and thumping over men and guns and teams.

  10. With the viciousness of spattering shrapnel that first salvo of frozen pellets raked me across the right cheek.

  11. In advising this radical change, Mr. Greeley evidently has a political purpose.

  12. I believe it is also said that the pig will not eat tobacco.

  13. The flying grains of wheat, spattering as they fell, stung his face like wind-driven particles of ice.

  14. I loathe this ink-spattering century', he says, 'when I read in my Plutarch of great men.

  15. No more girding at the degeneracy of the 'ink-spattering century'!

  16. There was a constant spattering of flashes, as individuals returned the steady fire of the garrison; and the sharp clean whistle of round bullets and buckshot mingled in the thick warm air with the hoarse whiz of Minies.

  17. Presently he stretched himself upon the floor in an instinctive effort to escape a spattering of musketry which broke through the sultry stillness of the night.

  18. A loud bang behind us told that I was right, and the handful of rough slugs in the heavy matchlock flew spattering amongst the leaves overhead, cutting off twigs which fell into the boat.

  19. The booming of artillery, the spattering roll of musketry, were heard rising from the valley, drowning the roar of the siege guns before Sebastopol.

  20. Their file firing was anything but good, and a spattering of musketry was kept up from rank to rank long after the general discharge had ceased.

  21. As I passed the bridge there was a spattering of musketry.

  22. The first went down past them spattering a few bullets through "Pan's" tail planes as he passed.

  23. Even as he spoke a shot struck the thick, iron hinge of the heavy door, the lead spattering viciously.

  24. Hiss, roar, rush, and a spray of spattering drops of the beaten waves splashed over them as they raced on, passing through the opening at a rate which made Max Blande feel dizzy.

  25. Three field-pieces were brought up, the defenders were driven out, and a bridge was laid under a spattering fusillade from behind bushes, which continued till the English had crossed the stream.

  26. The arrangements were hardly completed ere a spattering fire of musketry was heard from the northern quarter of the city; Liniers was evidently moving though he had as yet sent no orders.

  27. The British rifles received them with a spattering fire, then hurriedly retreated to the crest of the lomada, and formed in line.

  28. The sound came in gusts, fitfully, now dying away into a feeble treble, the spattering fire of skirmishers anon swelling to a full chord, the regular volley-firing of drilled troops accompanied with the deep bass of the cannon.

  29. Perhaps the first indication they would have of its presence would be the flash of its quick-firing gun, spattering bullets around them like hail.

  30. Or had some defect occurred in them which could also be charged to the spattering bullets fired by the Metz mob?

  31. Keep a rag with you, when painting, to wipe off the spattering which you will be sure to make.

  32. I offered her my apologies, but she made even a shorter turn than usual when I had mounted, and we scurried off down the road, spattering ourselves as we went.

  33. I will surely come, for if there is danger of spattering my gown, and he bids me stay at home, I shall go galloping after him and overtake him when it is too late to send me back.

  34. A decanter of whiskey burst spattering over a table.

  35. A heavy beer-bottle flung by one of the women crashed on the wall over the countryman's head, the contents spattering over him like rain.

  36. Before he reached the exit there sounded, spattering and intermittent, like the first popping kernels of corn in a pan, a succession of pistol-shots from the ranch-house.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spattering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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