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Example sentences for "sprinkling"

Lexicographically close words:
sprinkled; sprinkler; sprinklers; sprinkles; sprinkleth; sprinklings; sprint; sprinted; sprinter; sprinters
  1. Thin pieces require less sprinkling than thick ones, and folded pieces need sprinkling on both sides, but directions of this kind are of little avail, for only experiment can show you how wet to make each piece.

  2. Sprinkling is done the night before the ironing day, or early in the morning of that day.

  3. Finish with a layer of the fish, sprinkling it with the cracker crumbs dotted with butter.

  4. He sent another squad hunting the ruins for utensils, and in the wreck of a general store on Main street they discovered pails, sprinkling pots and kettles.

  5. The copperas and chloride were promptly set heating in the kettles over the streets and in a short time a squad was out sprinkling the débris which chokes Main street almost to the housetops for three squares.

  6. And he would give the peas another sprinkling from the pepper-pot.

  7. The opening ceremonies had for their object the purification of the deceased by means of sprinkling with water in which salt, natron, and other cleansing substances had been dissolved, and burning of incense.

  8. Madame la Baronne of her waiting-maid, as she lay reclining in her marble-bath, whose tepid warmth served to diffuse through the little room the aroma of the eau de Ninon which Mademoiselle Aglae was sprinkling on the surface.

  9. Money is scarce in these times," said Cently, as a sprinkling of cabs and omnibuses impeded their course; "broad acres are fine things.

  10. While we were digging, another thunderstorm came up, sprinkling us with a few drops to show its contempt; it then split in halves, going respectively north and south, apparently each dropping rain on the country they passed over.

  11. While we were at breakfast the next morning, a thunderstorm came up to us from the west, then suddenly turned away, only just sprinkling us, though we could see the rain falling heavily a few yards to the south.

  12. At night a very slight sprinkling of rain fell for a minute or two.

  13. A slight thunderstorm passed over in the night, with a sprinkling of rain for nearly an hour, but not sufficient fell to damp a pocket-handkerchief.

  14. For this purpose sprinkling with water, bathing in water, and the employment of charms are held to be effective.

  15. An odd sprinkling does next to no good, but an odd soaking may save the lives of your plants.

  16. We also found there a sprinkling of minute organisms, which had probably strayed from some living world.

  17. Walà ku makawilwig sa tanum, I haven’t gotten around to sprinkling the plants yet.

  18. Ang linadlad nga pakamatyan sa sabun kúling maputì, If you bleach clothes under the sun without sprinkling (lit.

  19. Then Nestor began with washing his hands and sprinkling the barley meal, and he offered many a prayer to Minerva as he threw a lock from the heifer's head upon the fire.

  20. Very pretty effects are also obtained by dyeing the feathers a light shade of color, drying, gumming and sprinkling them with either powdered black glass or jet.

  21. There was a fair sprinkling of mining engineers and miners, and these men were more interesting and of a far stronger mental and physical development.

  22. The sprinkling of khaki and khaki-browns and greens increased every time we came on parade: until one day the whole of the three field ambulances were fitted out.

  23. Put the macaroni into a baking dish, sprinkling a layer of grated cheese upon each layer of macaroni.

  24. Rat holes may be stopped by sprinkling with chloride of lime and then filling with mortar or plaster of Paris.

  25. The sun lit the sprinkling of snow on the dome of his head; one forepaw was off the ground; and he stood there, royally alert, scanning his antagonist.

  26. The retort was greeted with a yell of applause from the sprinkling of Dalesmen in the crowd.

  27. Upon his chest an escutcheon of purest white, and the dome of his head showered, as it were, with a sprinkling of snow.

  28. The leather is then dried out completely, damped in clean sawdust, or by sprinkling with water, levelled by shaving if necessary, staked over an upright knife fixed in a wooden stand or by machine, and dried in a hot stove.

  29. When dry, the leather is ready for finishing, but it is advisable to keep it in store for a few days before packing it in damp sawdust or sprinkling it with water to prepare it for the operation of staking.

  30. Padre Serra preached with his usual fervor; he exhorted the natives to come and be saved, and put to rout all infernal foes by an abundant sprinkling of holy water.

  31. What was the meaning of that mystic ceremony of sprinkling with water?

  32. I went to my wife and found her fast asleep; and, while sprinkling the water upon her, I said, "Come forth from that form into the form of a mare mule.

  33. Kumkam," a gourd-shaped bottle of metal, china or glass, still used for sprinkling scents.

  34. They brought it to her and she spoke over it words we understood not, and sprinkling me with it cried, "By virtue of the Truth, and by the Most Great name of Allah, I charge thee return to thy former shape.

  35. Fill a well-buttered pudding-dish with alternate layers of the fish and oysters and white sauce, sprinkling a little salt over the layers of cod.

  36. Add the flavoring and water; then fold in the beaten whites, and lastly the flour, sprinkling it in, and lightly folding, not stirring it in.

  37. When baked in individual dishes, they may be varied by sprinkling in the dish before the egg is added a little chopped ham, chicken, mushrooms, or tomato puree, etc.

  38. This will destroy the air-cells less, and leave the egg lighter than sprinkling the sugar over the top.

  39. Put into a baking-dish alternate layers of veal and bread crumbs, sprinkling the meat with salt and pepper, the crumbs with bits of butter.

  40. The devout no longer scourge themselves in public, sprinkling the pavements with their blood, but Spaniards flock from all Andalusia, from Madrid, and even from the northern provinces to the sunny city on the storied Guadalquivir.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sprinkling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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