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Example sentences for "smattering"

Lexicographically close words:
smashes; smashing; smatch; smatter; smatterers; smear; smeared; smearing; smears; smeary
  1. He received the education commonly given to young Russians of good family at that time--a smattering of a great many subjects, and a good practical acquaintance with the chief modern European languages.

  2. That Molly herself was half educated and possessed some smattering of culture, it was easy to see.

  3. When they get control of the money, they'll begin to strive after culture, and acquire a smattering of education instead.

  4. However, he had learned and retained a smattering of a good many scientific and other works, and so could astonish and confound timid and ill-informed opponents.

  5. Not that he had really read or studied much; but he had gathered a smattering on many subjects, and knew how to make a little knowledge go a great way.

  6. Having been some time in England under an assumed name, it has acquired a smattering of the language, and will address visitors on the origin, progress, and future prospects of the gorilla tribe.

  7. Mr Bradlaugh says in his "Autobiography" that while with the Carliles he picked up "a little Hebrew and an imperfect smattering of other tongues.

  8. It is difficult to find the commonest man in Persian cities who cannot read to a certain extent, and most people can also write a little and have a smattering of arithmetic.

  9. He had a smattering of English that was very quaint.

  10. Much time is devoted by them to theological studies and some smattering of geography and history.

  11. The foreigner is usually fluent in four, five or six different languages, and has a smattering of scientific knowledge which, if not very deep, is at any rate sufficient for the purposes required.

  12. Dilettantism is universal, and a smattering of erudition, infinitely more offensive than honest and manly ignorance, has usurped the place which was formerly occupied by genuine and liberal learning.

  13. Moreover, in the course of a few months he began to acquire a smattering of the Indian language, and was not compelled to live in constant silence, as had been the case at first.

  14. Uneasy is the head that wears the crown, and unfortunate is the man who gets a smattering of many things yet does not know even one small thing thoroughly.

  15. A traveler in Athens or Rome, Paris or London, may be shown these cities by a professional guide, and yet gain only a smattering of what these cities hold in store for him, and remember little of what he has seen.

  16. For Mr. Crewe has not come to the Legislature, like the country members in the rear, to acquire a smattering of parliamentary procedure by the day the Speaker is presented with a gold watch, at the end of the session.

  17. Perhaps (as when Austen returned from the shooting of Mr. Blodgett in the West) there was a smattering of admiration and pride in that look, and something of an affection which had long ceased in its strivings for utterance.

  18. The higher order of education amongst the males consists of a correct knowledge of their own language, and a smattering at least of the Pali or sacred language.

  19. It is doubtful, however, whether the late King, although the most learned man in the kingdom, had anything more than a smattering of Sanscrit, and I do not suppose there is any one now in the kingdom who knows anything about it worth naming.

  20. Some of the companies had a smattering of drill, but the majority were absolutely untaught, and the whole were without the slightest conception of what was meant by discipline.

  21. The light of common-sense alone is insufficient; nor will a few months' reading give more than a smattering of knowledge.

  22. She has, I soon discovered, a veneering of intelligence, and a smattering of information on a number of subjects useful in a drawing-room.

  23. A thorough knowledge of one science and a superficial acquaintance with many, are not the same thing; a smattering of a hundred things or a memory for detail, is not a philosophical or comprehensive view.

  24. Only his sense of humour and his comfortable smattering of original sin could have saved Reed Opdyke from being insupportable.

  25. Mr. Tracy; and in that way she picked up a tolerable smattering of knowledge.

  26. Nevertheless, I obtained a smattering of education at the school belonging to the chapel, and was treated with kindness by my father, although with great harshness by his wife.

  27. He had a smattering of a variety of trades, was a famous wrestler, and for a mug of ale would leap over an ox-cart with the unspilled beverage in his hand.

  28. The smattering of Latin which he acquired only served in after years to deform his treatises with barbarous, ill-adapted, and erroneous citations.

  29. German she knew also, though not so well, and she had more than a smattering of Yiddish.

  30. She had a smattering of half-a-dozen modern languages, and, as I have said before, of many more sciences than I even knew the names of.

  31. Some have a smattering of education while others, who have been subjected to little training or discipline, are indolent and shiftless.

  32. The smattering of an education which the negroes had received--it would be difficult to call it more--seemed to have improved neither their efficiency nor their morals.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "smattering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.