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Example sentences for "deluge"

Lexicographically close words:
deltoid; delude; deluded; deludes; deluding; deluged; deluges; deluging; delusion; delusional
  1. Search sand To unearth water: if first handful scooped Yields thee a draught, what need of digging down Full fifty fathoms deep to find a spring Whereof the pulse might deluge half the land?

  2. Matutinal, busy with book so soon Of an April day that 's damp as tears that now Deluge Arezzo at its darling's flight?

  3. Finally, because no monument of a universal deluge remains in any nation in the world.

  4. Because St. Augustine expressly acknowledges that the universal deluge was unknown to all antiquity.

  5. Because no other nation ever admitted a universal deluge before Ovid's "Metamorphoses"; and even Ovid himself does not make his deluge extend beyond the Mediterranean.

  6. He ought to have said: "The universal Deluge is related by Moses with the agreement of all nations.

  7. Because the first deluge of which any notice is taken by the Gentiles, is that mentioned by Berosus, and which he fixes at about four thousand four hundred years before our vulgar era; which deluge did not extend beyond the Euxine Sea.

  8. And then came a second snow-like deluge of white particles.

  9. Once they were completely blinded by a deluge of ice particles, Blaine could see neither the RX8 nor the waddling figures of the Llotta.

  10. As I look out on the undulating expanse terraced down to me from the mountain horizon to the northward, I am for a minute tempted to believe that the Great Snow Deluge has really come, and I alone am awake to behold it.

  11. With a roar like thunder a deluge of sand fell upon us, travelling terrifically fast.

  12. I took his duty on the river-front observation post and watched for hours the deluge of water falling down and flowing past in a yellow turgid current.

  13. The result was a deluge that heaved the gun out of its pedestal.

  14. The rains which we encountered in this equatorial region were so profuse, and yielded such a marvelous downpour of water as to almost deluge us, and set the inside of the good steamship Brindisi afloat.

  15. Heavier and heavier the deluge fell, and the miracle of its irresistible power was in the rapid fading of the ruddy glow in the smoke-laden atmosphere.

  16. Then, with the lifting of the darkness, the rain slackened too, and the deluge eased.

  17. That freakish phenomenon of a raging thunder-storm without the usual deluge of rain was abroad with all its deadly danger.

  18. And the streaming rain--was there ever such a deluge since the old Biblical days!

  19. Of or pertaining to Ogyges, a mythical king of ancient Attica, or to a great deluge in Attica in his days; hence, primeval; of obscure antiquity.

  20. There followed, however, such a deluge of hostile shell fire that the newly-gained trenches were entirely demolished, and a large part of the ground gained had to be relinquished.

  21. But Ramses, with one motion of his hand, restrained the living deluge and prevented the sacrilege.

  22. Above the whole country a fine dust was borne along in a deluge of burning sun-rays.

  23. In the blue sky here and there twinkled stars which were lost in the deluge of moonbeams.

  24. He looked back and saw the great Pike over Shanmoor village blotted out in a moving deluge of rain.

  25. I can bear a second deluge with an even mind.

  26. It reminded me of pictures I had seen of the deluge in the days of Noah, when the waters had risen to the mountain tops, and men, women and children were fighting for a foothold upon the last dry spots the earth contained.

  27. The story of the Deluge is a Hebrew version of the Babylonian epic.

  28. The Deluge was not universal in the sense that the waters covered the whole surface of the entire globe.

  29. The period assigned to the Deluge is seventeen centuries after the creation, or upwards of four thousand years past.

  30. It is more profitable to keep the land in pasturage than to lay it out in grain cultivation, by reason of the deluge of foreign grain raised in semi-barbarous countries, with which the capital is flooded.

  31. The betting, inseparable from the affair, opens the floodgates of a deluge of fraud and falsehood.

  32. Many hundreds remained up till dawn of the next day, lest the deluge should come upon them like a thief in the night.

  33. Then a lull, while the sea got up and the ship dashed down on the other side on her bow; then staggering back and making a stern-board till the water was plunged up in a deluge over the poop.

  34. It is to be borne in mind that the fury of the deluge had swept almost entirely the homes of the wealthy, the elegant, the cultured leaders of society, and the fathers of the town.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deluge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.