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Example sentences for "delusional"

Lexicographically close words:
deluge; deluged; deluges; deluging; delusion; delusions; delusive; delusory; delve; delved
  1. Several of the most characteristic cases which have happened under my observation correspond to the +delusional insanity+ of +Bucknill and Tuke+.

  2. The +images+ which pervade the minds of boys possessed of the highly-developed nervous organization of masturbators are those of +delusional insanity+.

  3. The paranoiac's delusional system inevitably brings him in conflict with his environment, but his feeling of being persecuted is less the result of this conflict with an external situation than of his own inner conflict.

  4. It is exactly the same in the paranoiac who feels himself constantly constrained to defend himself against all external criticism, because his delusional system is too much threatened from within.

  5. Later we shall have something to say about the delusional systems which appear to be common to the crowd-mind and the paranoiac.

  6. His further history was obscured by the fact that he wove delusional elements into his story.

  7. Spells of confusion, delusional ideas, sometimes grandiose, start up without warning in these cases.

  8. No doubt, espionage employs alcoholism for a portion of its technique, though delusional mystics and subnormal hypersuggestibles are more often the purveyors of information to the enemy.

  9. In the differential diagnosis, alcoholism, cyclothymia, obsessive psychosis and occasionally systematized delusional psychosis may be considered.

  10. His delusional state began once more, and two days later he was brought to Limoux.

  11. There is evidence that experience in the war may be woven into the hallucinatory and delusional contents of cases of pre-existent psychosis.

  12. Answers to questions were irrelevant or incoherent; there were a number of delusional expressions.

  13. Here are cases in which judgment is deficient, and in which quite unsystematic, incoherent, and transient delusional ideas occur.

  14. If so, they were only episodic and took no part in either the construction or the fixation of the man’s delusional system.

  15. During this delirium or delusional state, his whole life from birth up, came back to him, as if some one were telling him.

  16. He continued, however, to air his delusional ideas whenever the physician attempted to examine him.

  17. The delusional ideas may take on any character; hallucinations may occur in all fields of the sensorium; consciousness may or may not be clouded, but is usually so in the beginning of the disorder.

  18. He adhered very tenaciously to his delusional system and believed himself fully justified in all his litigious pursuits.

  19. No delusional ideas were elaborated at any time.

  20. He develops a quite limited, well-organized delusional system in which he finds himself absolutely innocent, his accusers are the guilty ones, and the entire situation is nothing more nor less than a well-planned plot to destroy him.

  21. His morbid suspiciousness, however, leads him to interpret various occurrences in his environment in a more or less delusional manner.

  22. According to Tanzi[3] the theme underlying the delusional system of litigious paranoiacs is avarice, and the whole may be looked upon as the slow and permanent triumph of a preconception.

  23. Examination of the patient soon after admission revealed a well-organized and very extensive delusional system, which, according to his story, apparently had its inception during the Civil War.

  24. It has long ago been questioned by psychiatrists whether these so-called delusional ideas of this class of patients deserve to be endowed with the value of delusions.

  25. But in many cases of delusional insanity the cause is hidden; neither pulse nor other medical test betrays it.

  26. Hence we may suspect that moral insanity is likely to bring on delusional insanity, and vice versa.

  27. This delusion constitutes the essence of mental insanity, which therefore is often called delusional insanity.

  28. In our last lecture, gentlemen, we considered the nature and causes of delusional insanity.

  29. We have now done with the study of mental or delusional insanity; it remains for us to speak of moral insanity.

  30. So, throughout the ages, man has sought release from the realities of his existence into a fanciful and pleasantly delusional flight into a hereafter.

  31. To begin with, they are men of low intelligence, as is shown by the fact that they will work for eighteen dollars a month, and after they have associated with insane men for years they are apt to become delusional themselves.

  32. He was delusional on religious subjects and thought the attendants were doing wrong.

  33. The din was horrible, and I am convinced that in the course of time even a sane man kept in an insane asylum will be mad; those who are a little delusional will go violently insane.

  34. This, the second or persecutory stage of delusional insanity, may persist through life.

  35. All patients who suffer from attacks of acute insanity and who do not recover tend to become delusional, and any attempt to include and describe such cases in a group by themselves and term them delusional insanity is inadmissible.

  36. In the vast majority of cases the onset is lost in obscurity, the patient only drawing attention to the diseased condition by insane conduct after the delusional state is definitely established.

  37. The senile delusional cases may manifest any of the classical forms of paranoia described above, but their delusions are of a rudimentary and unfinished type.

  38. The second or delusional stage sets in very gradually.

  39. Hallucinations are generally present in the senile delusional cases.

  40. Added to senile dementia there is often found a condition of mania or melancholia or even of systematized delusional insanity.

  41. All cases of delusional insanity at this stage are dangerous and their actions are not to be depended upon.

  42. As to the exciting causes nothing is known beyond the fact that certain forms of disease, closely resembling delusional insanity, are apparently associated or caused by chronic alcoholism or occur as a sequel to syphilitic infection.

  43. Magnan under the term of "systematized delusional insanity," and it may be accepted that many cases conform very closely to Magnan's description.

  44. Considerable confusion exists at the present day regarding the term delusional insanity.

  45. Cases of delusional insanity never become demented in the true sense of the word, but their mental state might be described as a dream in which an imaginary existence obliterates the experiences of their past lives.

  46. The most striking thing in it to my mind is the sudden conversion of you from a delusional subject to a maniacal one--how the whole delusional system disintegrated the moment one pin was drawn out by your proving your brother to be genuine.

  47. His stories, although often repeated, were not credited, and later, after a home had been found for him, he began a new series of lies that seemed almost delusional and somewhat paranoidal.

  48. No evidence of delusional or hallucinatory trends could be obtained.

  49. We were asked to study this case by police officials who thought perhaps the girl was the victim of some delusional state.

  50. We cannot call the results delusional lies.

  51. To exemplify the form in which these delusional thoughts occur we may cite the following: Henrietta H.

  52. As a rule manic-depressive patients have delusional ideas or attitudes in connection with their nearest of kin, so that contact with these stirs up the trouble.

  53. He makes a division into two stupors: Anergic Stupor and Delusional Stupor.

  54. His conclusions are interesting: that in the anergic cases there is an absence of cerebration, while amongst the delusional there is an abnormal presence of intense but perverted cerebration.

  55. Similarly, delusional ideas (not concerned with death at all) may appear or the patient may indulge in speech that is quite scattered, not merely fragmentary.

  56. Delusional attitude concerning an abortion which she said she had induced.

  57. In his intervals he was (and is) continually busy with delusional thoughts but of a constructive character, but was never scattered as long as these were alone present.

  58. He speaks of a sort of rudimentary delusional disorder looking in the direction of jealousy in certain cases.

  59. Then she launched spontaneously into her delusional story, needing very few questions to stimulate a fairly complete recital.

  60. This readily leads to mistrust and suspicion which may be pronounced enough to constitute a sort of persecutory delusional state or a state of melancholic depression (Clouston, Ball).

  61. For at least nine years he has been objectively psychotic, though, according to his own account his delusional habit of thought began seventeen years ago.

  62. Accordingly our analysis of delusional contents includes a hint also as to genesis.

  63. The records of these admissions state that he was excited for some years, apparently with exacerbations, during which he is frequently noted as being delusional and hallucinating.

  64. Some build up a delusional thought and feeling.

  65. He accused his wife of infidelity, felt that he was being followed by spies and police, claimed that dictagraphs were installed everywhere to spy on him and had a classical delusional state.

  66. It is exactly the same in the case of the paranoiac, who feels himself constantly constrained to defend himself against all external criticism, because his delusional system is too much threatened from within.

  67. These instances by no means exhaust the delusional fancies of the patient.

  68. In this study Freud shows out of what infantile forms of thought and instincts the delusional system was built up.

  69. Some of the authors still proceed essentially by the method of analytic reduction, tracing back the complicated delusional formation into its simpler and more universal components, as I have done in the preceding pages.

  70. Even the most individual delusional systems are not absolutely unique, occurring only once, for they offer striking and obvious analogies with other systems.

  71. Here the delusional system is neither infantile nor, upon the whole, eo ipso pathological but subjective, and hence justified within the scope of the subjective.

  72. As the fits increase in number, the intellect deteriorates and chronic dementia or delusional insanity may supervene.

  73. Obsessions also play a part in the genesis of the acts we have under consideration, but of all delusional ideas those of defence are the most fertile in this respect.

  74. I have had an opportunity (says Séglas) of observing an instance of aerophagia in a woman of fifty-four years, who for the last fifteen years has been suffering from hypochondriasis in a delusional form.

  75. Not long ago Dufour[193] advanced the opinion that the occurrence of a motor syndrome consisting of the automatic movements of tic, in a case of delusional insanity, heightens the gravity of the prognosis as regards chronicity.

  76. Others would find the EU's brand of the market a comfortable and dimly familiar middle ground between America's harsh prescriptions and communism's delusional model.

  77. Germany runs the EU rather single-handedly, though with concessions to a megalomaniacally delusional France.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "delusional" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.