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Example sentences for "delusory"

Lexicographically close words:
deluging; delusion; delusional; delusions; delusive; delve; delved; delving; delyt; delyte
  1. So delusory are the outward appearances, and so false the pretensions of the carnal sort!

  2. But at Salamanca the delusory notion of French superiority was destroyed.

  3. Such are often given over to woeful hard-heartedness or despair; for God will not be mocked with delusory words.

  4. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "delusory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    airy; apparent; assumed; autistic; beguiling; catchy; chimerical; counterfeit; deceitful; deceiving; deceptive; delusive; dreamlike; dreamy; dubious; fallacious; false; fantastic; fantastical; fictitious; fishy; hallucinatory; illusive; illusory; imaginary; lying; meretricious; misleading; ostensible; phantasmagoric; phantasmal; phantom; questionable; seeming; specious; spectral; supposititious; tricky; unfounded; unreal; unrealistic; unsubstantial; untruthful; vain; visionary