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Example sentences for "visionary"

Lexicographically close words:
visible; visibly; visio; vision; visionaries; visione; visioned; visiones; visioning; visions
  1. Although, apparently, a practical disciple of Behmen, I am no believer in his visionary creed.

  2. The child philosopher and materialist often becomes the visionary of riper years, running into illuminism, magnetism, and transcendentalism, with its inspired priests and priestesses, its revelations and oracular responses.

  3. The name, which signifies the Fairy Morgana, is derived from an opinion of the superstitious Sicilians, that the whole spectacle is produced by fairies, or such like visionary invisible beings.

  4. He therefore immediately realized his own part of the visionary scene, by roaring out, Murder!

  5. Caleb Elliot, a visionary enthusiast, who meant to have fasted 40 days, and actually survived 16 without food, having obstinately refused sustenance of every kind.

  6. Marsh, however, could trace no vestige of the visionary scene which he affirmed to have been last night presented to his eyes.

  7. Let us have no more hunting after a visionary political optimism; good humour is the only one thing necessary to bring all our civil institutions to a state of complete perfection.

  8. Wordsworth tells us that in his youth he was sometimes obliged to touch the walls to find if they were visionary or no, and such experiences are not uncommon with persons who converse much with their own thoughts.

  9. What visionary tints the year puts on, When falling leaves falter through motionless air Or numbly cling and shiver to be gone!

  10. No matter how visionary your scheme, you had only to tie a general to it, and success was certain.

  11. In truth it was wonderful a see how credulous this opulent merchant was; and how readily he fell into all the visionary schemes for overthrowing governments that had their origin in the disordered brain of my hero.

  12. Notwithstanding my wild, visionary plans, he yet had hopes of me.

  13. Let the sublimated philosopher grasp visionary happiness, while pursuing phantoms dressed in the garb of truth!

  14. Men come into business at first, with visionary principles.

  15. The kaleidoscopic character of Japanese politics is in part due to the rapid succession of visionary schemes.

  16. An evangelist in the employ of the Kumamoto station exemplified this visionary trait in a marked degree.

  17. The recent history of Christianity in Japan supplies many striking instances of visionary plans and visionary enthusiasts.

  18. This visionary faculty of the Japanese is especially conspicuous in the daily press.

  19. The prosaic nature of the Japanese has not impressed me so much as the visionary tendency of the people, and their idealism.

  20. Such visionary men are increasingly relegated to the rear.

  21. In addition to the preceding illustrations of visionary and fanciful traits, let the reader reflect on the significance of the comic and of caricature in art.

  22. Writers who compare the Chinese with the Japanese remark the practical business nature of the former and the impractical, visionary nature of the latter.

  23. But the side which he had chosen undoubtedly best suited the character of his own mind; under no circumstances could Disraeli have been a popular apostle of progress, or have taught with a grave face the doctrines of visionary freedom.

  24. Even in carrying his Reform Bill he had not stooped to inflated rhetoric, or held out promises of visionary millenniums.

  25. A Platonist who pretends that one is able to live with a young woman of whom one is fond, without becoming more than her friend, is a visionary who knows not what he says.

  26. It was a strange coincidence, and seemed likely to attach the woman still more closely to her visionary theories.

  27. It was three or four months before I went to see him, as I was afraid of being insulted on account of the name which the visionary Madame d'Urfe had given him.

  28. A visionary student, who was at the Dublin Art School when I was there, described to me a waking dream of the North Pole.

  29. He awoke in a mountain valley to see once more the visionary shepherd and his flock, and a very little, handsome, old man who showed him a scroll and told him to write his name upon it.

  30. He wandered for miles, now wondering at what seemed the unusual brightness of the stars and once passing a visionary shepherd and his flock of sheep, and then again stumbling in cold and darkness.

  31. It was the look of the visionary who sees in events the strange verification of obscure instincts and divinations in which he himself perhaps has only half-believed.

  32. No more to-day; I am dispirited: And never twice 'twixt ruddy morn and morn Are we with visionary prospect blessed.

  33. Scan you a mutton's clean-picked shoulder-blade, Or have you any visionary aid?

  34. Arkell's talk of visionary millions in that bleak environment of snow-clad desert and wind-swept mountain didn't enthuse me at all.

  35. My father's face burned as he looked at the picture; the refined visionary head drooping over a book, and the large delicate eyelids with their long lashes were so like, so very like!

  36. Wherever I turned I was possessed with the idea that from some eminence--some visionary height--he was watching me, and interpreting my very movements.

  37. My terror now, for himself and for him only, was as insane and wild as it seemed visionary and baseless; for I had seen nothing as yet to point to him as one of the probable victims of this sudden conclusion.

  38. I did not think it was like him now; his face was no longer the face of a student, with those downcast, thoughtful eyelids, and lines of visionary pensiveness.

  39. Such works may have dangerous results; for example, a more susceptible reader than myself, or one more inclined to believe in the marvellous, runs the risk of becoming as great a visionary as the poor nun herself.

  40. Rousseau told me that he died of poison, but he is a visionary who sees the black side of everything.

  41. Illustration: Chapter 16b] The worthy visionary was enchanted with this arrangement, and saw in it another proof of the benevolence of Selenis, who would thus give her an opportunity of seeing young Aranda once more.

  42. However, at that period, the birch was no visionary terror.

  43. It was certainly a fearful room for a visionary child like myself, with whom the existence of ghosts made an article of faith, and who had been once before frightened even unto the death, by supernatural terrors.

  44. The most visionary of subjects, life after death, could be treated with scientific soberness and deep sincerity.

  45. Dante transports us, with unmistakable power, first into the atmosphere of a visionary love; then into the history of his conversion, affected by this love, or by the divine grace identified with it.

  46. But it is absurd to treat this visionary state as a sublime mental phase and as a truer state, capable of conveying general truths(123).

  47. Plato very correctly notes not merely the bodily conditions on which such visionary knowledge depends, and the possibility of the truth of the dreams, but also the inferiority of them to the reasonable frame of mind.

  48. The vacancy was appalling to her, filling itself with all kinds of visionary shapes of terror.

  49. There was very little that was visionary or superstitious in such a place.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "visionary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abstract; academic; addict; airy; ambitious; apparent; astral; autistic; bug; chimerical; collector; conception; deceptive; delusive; demon; dreamer; dreamlike; dreamy; enthusiast; fallacious; false; fanatic; fanciful; fancy; fantastic; fantastical; fiend; freak; grandiose; hound; ideal; idealist; idealistic; illusive; illusory; imaginary; imaginative; impractical; infatuate; insubstantial; lofty; misleading; mystic; mythical; nut; ostensible; phantasmagoric; phantasmal; phantom; poetic; pretentious; prophet; pursuer; quixotic; rhapsodist; romancer; romantic; seeming; seer; shadowy; specious; spectral; storybook; supposititious; transcendental; unfounded; unpractical; unreal; unrealistic; unsubstantial; unworldly; visionary; zealot