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Example sentences for "restrained"

Lexicographically close words:
restoreth; restoring; restos; restrain; restraine; restrainer; restraineth; restraining; restrains; restraint
  1. The book is written in a bright and breezy tone, with ever-restrained humour.

  2. But perhaps she was restrained by this also: that she wished to get from Yatsek a still more complaining confession, and perhaps because she did not believe that he would go from her and never come back again.

  3. In view of this he restrained his fierce rage, his face assumed a look of contemptuous pity, and he went with the answer to Anulka.

  4. And as we began to pant, he restrained himself.

  5. So, though her heart trembled often from fear of Krepetski, she restrained him by her calm glance and her silence.

  6. He will be restrained from that," said the butler, "by his father, who understands well the significance of raptus puellae.

  7. Pan Gideon's eyes glittered for a moment with savage anger, but he restrained himself a second time, for it occurred to him that further conversation might serve his purpose.

  8. If I had not restrained myself I should have grabbed thee long ago as a hawk grabs a dove.

  9. Stanley, telling him that I was unlawfully restrained of my liberty; that I wished him to call and see me, or try to relieve me in some way.

  10. And he got his neck broke and both of his sons killed in one day, because he "restrained (or prohibited) not his sons in the iniquity which he knew.

  11. She sat hastily down in her accustomed place by her uncle, and even the presence of her father scarcely restrained her tears, as she contrasted the hopeless uncertainties of Edgar, with the perilous pursuit of Sir Sedley.

  12. Industry, though one of the most active principles of human nature, settles when long restrained into a habit of inertion, which cannot be instantly overcome.

  13. The power to do good should if possible be unlimited: the ability to do evil, followed with the highest responsibility, and restrained by a moral certainty of punishment.

  14. He jumped to his feet to leave the house and start searching, but restrained himself before he got to the door.

  15. Hooper, in the back seat, leaned forward and started to speak, but Newton restrained him.

  16. In burning though carefully restrained language, Mr. Sexton replied to a taunt of Mr. Chamberlain at the silence of the Irish members.

  17. It was only with a great effort that he restrained the tears.

  18. And if she separate from him for cause, he may be restrained for intermeddling with her earnings.

  19. Whereas, it is urged on the other side that the makers must have meant "all male inhabitants," and that the expression is to be restrained so as to arrive at the intent of the framers of the instrument.

  20. I cannot leave you yet,' said De Courcy in a voice of restrained emotion, and again he led her onwards.

  21. Here no timidity restrained her; for no feeling that could excite timidity at all mingled with her regard for De Courcy.

  22. Her ladyship restrained the further expression of her rage till Laura and she were on their way home; when it burst out in reproaches of the parsimony, obstinacy, and perverseness which had appeared in her niece's refusal to play.

  23. The thought was so painful to her, that she was on the point of disclosing all; but she remembered that the reasons which had at first determined her to silence, were not altered by any one's suspicions, and she restrained herself.

  24. Hargrave omitted no opportunity to plead his passion; and though the presence of a third person of necessity precluded this topic, it restrained him not from gazing upon Laura with an eagerness from which she shrunk abashed.

  25. Nevertheless, he saw that the young priest was deeply in earnest, and he restrained himself.

  26. As this remark might have been meant for a covert reference to his own thievish tendencies, Wapoota restrained his somewhat ghastly humour, while the chief continued his arrangements for repelling the invaders.

  27. Rosco saw at once the absurdity of giving way to anger, and restrained himself.

  28. Though the immunities might be very extensive, the powers were more or less restrained to a small number.

  29. Again, though it cannot be said that lawless rapine was perfectly restrained even at the end of the fifteenth century, a sensible amendment had been every where experienced.

  30. These attempts to restrain what cannot be restrained continued even down to 1700.

  31. In these sudden jumps of Monty's there was a suggestion of restrained ferocity.

  32. She wanted to laugh, but Stillwell's distress restrained her.

  33. Willie almost shouted with delight, but restrained himself, and advanced cautiously to the foot of the tree.

  34. And the old lady's eyes danced in restrained merriment.

  35. Her face was drawn; her eyes bloodshot from restrained tears--all the color gone from her cheeks.

  36. Though then weighed down by a consciousness of power, with means as yet inadequate for its utterance, though restrained by an excess of timidity, it was even then to be seen that a great dramatic artist was there.

  37. The cook was taken in for the night, and on being attacked by Jemima was scarcely restrained from flying at that exemplary spinster, who called her all the names she had ever heard her brother apply to women of her class.

  38. With difficulty Ulysses restrained her joy, and urged her to keep his secret till the time came to disclose it.

  39. It was with difficulty that Ulysses restrained himself, for all his mighty rage was roused, and he swung his staff as though to strike his insulter dead.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "restrained" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    restrained himself; restrained myself