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Example sentences for "spots"

Lexicographically close words:
spotless; spotlesse; spotlessly; spotlessness; spotlight; spott; spotte; spotted; spotter; spotters
  1. The banks of these lakes are high and shaded, affording the most delightful spots for residence.

  2. His father's residence occupied one of the loveliest spots I had ever beheld on the bank of Lake Ontario.

  3. But life itself is like a journey, and to all our bright sunny spots here below, we have to bid an adieu almost as soon as we have reached them.

  4. The mucous membrane marked with numerous red spots like leech-bites from these parasites.

  5. The parasite was named “the spotted tapeworm,” in consequence of the presence of yellow spots near the middle of the joint.

  6. Once installed in the historic city, I devoted myself to visiting again the spots which had most excited my interest on my former trip, and certain others which as yet I knew only by name.

  7. To marry, and to set up housekeeping in a country mansion situated in one of the most picturesque spots of his native land, was the work of a few days.

  8. A white horse may have the spots removed with the Spanish haematite or with aqua fortis or with .

  9. You might have seen assemblages of men who, with weapons in their hands, defended the small spots that remained to them against lions, wolves and beasts of prey who sought safety there.

  10. Warley, turning his eyes towards the pallid Judith, on whose cheeks, however, two large spots of red had settled as soon as he came into the cabin.

  11. Once he was unfaithful to these old affections, and chose for the goal of his journey spots that were new to him.

  12. Then you do not know the beautiful spots that are everywhere around your own home," Charles said, and his voice was more kindly than it had been.

  13. Its colour is grey, inclining to white: here and there on the stalk we find white spots or scabs.

  14. Mr. Glas adds, that the best sort is of the darkest colour, and nearly round; and that the more white spots or scabs it exhibits the better.

  15. At length, however, as the mist lifted, she perceived some golden spots among the foliage, and ran towards them.

  16. When they reached the summit, they scanned the surface, now as smooth as a lake, for signs of boat or raft; but nothing was in sight, except far away several dusky spots which Mary at once declared must be other islands.

  17. The faces of nearly all were marked with spots of bright red or long streaks of yellow and red.

  18. In one place where the rain has been especially heavy we plunge through a veritable quagmire, and we find spots so rough and stony as to make very uncomfortable going.

  19. A touch of brilliant color is given to the landscape by the great beds of blue and yellow flags, or fleur-de-lis, which cover the marshy spots along the road.

  20. Albert had complained to me the day we had ridden out to the Indian dwellings at Flagstaff that his saddle fretted some galled spots which he had chafed on his trip to Moran's Point.

  21. Those sore spots you complained about to me the day before yesterday," I explained.

  22. As the fading proceeds, the spots drop off in the form of little branny scales, which are sometimes, from their minuteness, scarcely perceptible.

  23. The chestnut auricular spots in both sexes of this species distinguish it from all others.

  24. With maturity these naked white spots at the angle of the orbits disappear.

  25. Brownish or black spots on many parts of the body seem to vary in different individuals.

  26. Should you be at the seaside, and buy one rather cheap, because it has red spots on the belly, remove them by rubbing salt and lemon on the spot.

  27. For a compote, peel one rather thickly, to leave no black spots upon it, make a syrup with half a pound of sugar, as directed (No.

  28. The devil hates and flees from it, and thunder and hail rarely fall on spots where it takes shelter; also the man who wears it about him escapes witchcraft and spells.

  29. As we gaze into the darkness, two spots of light appear," he replied to himself.

  30. All turned out by the gross from cheap glass melters, whose thin material dots the pavement of the church with spots like confetti, strewing lollipops of colour wherever the light falls.

  31. The powers of disintegration that haunt a tropical forest seemed to be devouring certain spots of the room.

  32. They have red spots on their wings that look like drops of sealing-wax.

  33. It lays two eggs of a yellowish-white color with brownish spots on a nest composed of a great mass of sticks, brush and grass.

  34. It can be distinguished from the others by its larger size and its ruddy color and the large black spots covering its underparts.

  35. I have alluded elsewhere to the apparent care with which the Turks select the most lovely spots for burying their dead, and how they have, by such means, divested death of its most gloomy attributes.

  36. Had I not known that such a thing was altogether impossible, I should have said, when I pulled up my panting horse on the height above the palace, that the same groups occupied the same spots where I had seen them on the previous day.

  37. Thither our guide next conducted us, and pointed out the particular spots where the assault and carnage were most desperate.

  38. I have described these spots as Digby's favourite resorts.

  39. It was the kind of a garden where you could wander and explore for days and days--always coming upon something new, always glad to find the old spots over again.

  40. It was pale blue underneath; but its back was glossy black with huge red spots on it.

  41. Unless you know something of the habits of the fish and the spots in which he is likely to be found, how can you hope to succeed in making him acquainted with your fly?

  42. We soon strike the drag again, but here there is more water, and consequently it is only across certain bends or spots where the otter has landed, that hounds can speak to his line.

  43. One roach, however, gave rather a novel experience by hanging itself in a tree, and causing the greatest excitement among our party, the members of which quickly came from their chosen spots to see and admire.

  44. I will tell him that the spots stuck like the devil; I can always find some fable to tell him.

  45. Perhaps the spots are difficult to remove.

  46. When love from Picus Circe could not gain Him with her charming wand and hellish bane Changed to a bird and spots his speckled wings With sundry colours.

  47. A snake is painted in the folds of the kilt, covered with white spots and bordered by narrow white lines.

  48. Lincolnshire to haunt the spots where murder or suicide has been committed.

  49. Those who were near him could see large black blisters rising at the spots where the stinging-fly attacked him.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spots" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.