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Example sentences for "spread"

Lexicographically close words:
sprayed; sprayer; spraying; sprayings; sprays; spreader; spreaders; spreadeth; spreading; spreads
  1. A goodly list could be given of several other writers, many of them bishops and men of saintly lives, whose erudition added to the fame of Verona and spread her renown as a centre of learning into ever-widening circles.

  2. That year however saw the Longobards or Lombards, under their king Alboin, pour down from the North and spread over the fertile plain which to this day bears their name.

  3. From there they spread like a fine drizzle through the air and were known as "the sweet-scented rains.

  4. The confusion that ensued on the duke's death spread throughout the greater part of Italy, and raised the hopes of those lords who had been dispossessed by him of their states to regain their own again.

  5. The news of the murder spread like wildfire through the city, and amid clamours of horror and indignation the name of the assassin was eagerly demanded.

  6. At Verona the taste for it spread quickly, and no foreigner of note or distinction who went there failed to be present at the bull-fight which would be sure to be given in his honour in the Arena.

  7. The jealousy of one or two powerful neighbours was aroused; and a sense of the danger about to spread from Verona and envelop the North of Italy became patent to all.

  8. Into the general question of the spread of insanity I feel that it would be impossible to enter satisfactorily now.

  9. From on high has he sent fire into my bones, and it prevails against them; He has spread a net for my feet, he has turned me back: He has made me desolate and faint all the day.

  10. The adversary has spread out his hand on all her pleasant things: for she has seen that the nations are entered into her sanctuary, concerning whom you did command that they should not enter into your assembly.

  11. And the report spread throughout Baratesta that Count Antonio talked with the dead in the vault of the Peschetti; whence came, I doubt not, the foolish tales of which I have made mention.

  12. Then, riding through the rustling woods, she came at last into the open, and saw spread out beneath her the beautiful valley of the Brandywine, dotted with the white tents of the Continental army.

  13. This was Oakleigh, the home of the Franklins, so named because of a giant oak-tree which spread its huge branches not far from the back of the house.

  14. She had already spread the best table-cloth.

  15. The story leaked out somehow, and spread all over town.

  16. The table was not spread in the sickroom any more, as it had been for a while.

  17. We trust the Lord is on his way to destroy the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations; Is.

  18. But before I read it, before I invite you to the board he ordered to be spread for you in honor of this happy occasion, there is one appeal he bade me make to those I should find assembled here.

  19. The floor was scrubbed almost every day, and a piece of red and green carpet was spread in one corner for her to play on.

  20. Now you have the house, and for the garden get a square pasteboard box cover, and spread over it green silk to represent grass.

  21. He spread his wings, and found that he Could fly like any bird, And all around, from tree to tree, His joyous notes were heard.

  22. This is followed by drying in the sun, the leaves being spread thinly on trays.

  23. Spread thy white wings to the sunshine of love!

  24. Spread the long table's full array,-- There sits a ghost in every chair!

  25. Borne on her Northern pine, Long o'er the foaming brine Spread her broad banner to storm and to sun; Heaven keep her ever free, Wide as o'er land and sea Floats the fair emblem her heroes have won.

  26. I look upon the fair blue skies, And naught but empty air I see; But when I turn me to thin eyes, It seemeth unto me Ten thousand angels spread their wings Within those little azure rings.

  27. Rain me sweet odors on the air, And wheel me up my Indian chair, And spread some book not overwise Flat out before my sleepy eyes.

  28. After pressing down the sand he spread the bag which had held it at Domini's feet, and deftly transferred the sand to it, scattering the grains loosely over the sacking, in a sort of pattern.

  29. Through one of these gaps they entered it, spread out the rug, and lay down on the sand.

  30. It sounded like a noise coming from something very wide, and spread out as a veil over an immense surface.

  31. In the dark I, as it were, spread out his map of life and mine and examined them.

  32. With his white umbrella spread above his helmet he stood still and gazed towards the north across the vast spaces that were lemon-yellow in the sunset.

  33. The magic carpet had been spread indeed, and she had been wafted into a strange land where she had all to learn.

  34. And as she sat there, while the darkness grew in the sky and spread secretly along the sandy rills among the trees, she wondered how much she held within her to give in answer to this cry to her of self-confident Nature.

  35. The tents had already gone forward, and Domini and Androvsky were lying upon a rug spread on the sand, in the shadow of the grey wall of a traveller's house beside a well.

  36. Both were now spread out before her, and the latter, in its domestic intimacy, interested and charmed her.

  37. And now I have spread my wings, and--it's glorious.

  38. Those eagle's wings of which she had thought--she must spread them.

  39. She withdrew the handkerchiefs from the stream, waded out, and spread them one by one upon the low earth wall to dry, letting her draperies fall.

  40. They made their first appearance in Moscow in the beginning of the eighteenth century under Peter the Great, and spread through other cities of Old Russia.

  41. The history of the spread and limitation of Christianity then assumes a separate form as the History of Missions.

  42. The views of the union were spread by popular lectures and articles in newspapers and magazines.

  43. The Lyons Association for the spread of the faith, instituted in 1822, has a revenue of from four to six million francs.

  44. Levellerism from England to North America, and by his writings helped again to spread those views in England.

  45. But neither the one nor the other, to say nothing of the rude invectives of Thomas Murner, was able to shake the bold reformer and check the rapid spread of his opinions.

  46. Lord, divided into apostles with the missionary calling for the spread of the church, preachers, and pastors over particular congregations, and helpers to give assistance to these; 3.

  47. Amid all the persecutions which the church during this period had to suffer it spread with rapid strides throughout the whole Roman empire, and even far beyond its limits.

  48. One sceptre and one language united the whole world, a universal peace prevailed, and the most widely extended commercial intercourse gave opportunity for the easy and rapid spread of saving truth.

  49. The controversy soon spread to other doctrines of Cocceius and his followers, and soon the whole populace seemed divided into Voetians and Cocceians (ยง 162, 5).

  50. The wide-spread tradition that in times of sore persecution the worshippers betook themselves to the Catacombs is evidently inconsistent with the limited space which these afforded.

  51. Societas Valdesiana) founded by him had spread themselves in great numbers over the whole of the south of France, the east of Spain, the north of Italy, and the south of Germany, and had even crossed the Channel into England.

  52. The years stretched before her like some vast blank page spread out to receive the record of her toil; and she had a mystic conviction that she would not die till her work was accomplished.

  53. Roberto was sitting alone, with his back to the door, at a table spread with maps and papers.

  54. The contagion had spread from the court into the provinces and to the armies, where people of any position were esteemed only in proportion to their table and magnificence.

  55. Their preoccupation spread around them an atmosphere of "constraint and ennui; one had to be upon one's guard and to check oneself.

  56. On reading in the Almanach the titles of these officials we see a Gargantua's feast spread out before us.

  57. No human existence since that of the Caesars has so spread itself out in the sunshine.

  58. T was then, with jocund hope, he spread the sail, In rash dependence on the faithless gale.

  59. Mazarin so persistently cultivated,--had spread into England, and thence into Scotland.

  60. Still more remarkable are the Sequoias to which we have already referred, but which in the Laramie age seem to have been spread over nearly all North America.

  61. DH] But, while the living species are confined to California, in the Tertiary they are spread over several quarters of the globe.

  62. As plain as is the wide-spread want and hunger that is in this land to-day, while there is more than enough for all.

  63. Leaning forward, he tapped a map spread out on the top of the desk.

  64. Dawson shook his head and spoke quickly as a look of utter horror spread over Colonel Welsh's face.

  65. Its path, wherever it moved, was spread with panic.

  66. The adult is a reddish brown moth, having a wing-spread of about one and one-half inches.

  67. A practical objection to highway planting of nut trees is that unless cared for, such trees are in danger of becoming breeding places for diseases and insect pests which would quickly spread to nearby orchards.

  68. The branches are shaken and the nuts collected from tree to tree by the beaters and spread out upon the ground.

  69. Sometimes coarse sheeting or matting is carried from tree to tree by the beaters and spread out upon the ground.

  70. The adult is a white moth, having a wing-spread of an inch or more, appearing in midsummer and laying its egg-cluster on the under side of a leaf.

  71. A garland spread With dewy blossoms fresh on every head!

  72. A happy look that had gradually spread over Serrangi's face as the two boys "raved" was suddenly banished by a look of sharp annoyance.

  73. It certainly didn't make sense, and the bewildered look that spread over each youth's face said as much to Captain Standers.

  74. White spray, red flame, and boiling smoke spread out in all directions.

  75. Sedition spread its baneful influence all over Provence and Languedoc what time King Louis was still far away fighting in Italy.

  76. Towards the end of 1428 strange reports began to spread all over the stricken country concerning a simple village maiden in far-off Champagne, to whom, in the obscure village of Domremy, Divine visions had been vouchsafed.

  77. He had added to the bays of victory the palms of peace, and his fame as an administrator of justice and charity was already spread abroad.

  78. Did he not spread through one of our most Catholic cantons the report that we were Voltairians, enemies to religion and devourers of priests?

  79. The branches of the trees spread over the wooden fences, which enclosed gardens so silent and tranquil that passers by could hear the birds singing in their cages.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spread" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    spread abroad; spread over; spread them; spreading branches