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Example sentences for "spreading"

Lexicographically close words:
sprays; spread; spreader; spreaders; spreadeth; spreads; spred; sprede; spree; sprees
  1. The next moment he ran headlong against the wall and there flattened himself, spreading out his palms over the rough surface, hiding his face against his hands, panting and sobbing like a dumb creature.

  2. There are wide straight streets overarched with spreading elms and maples, and on either side stand the houses, with little green lawns in front, called in rustic parlance "door-yards.

  3. In the trembling light of the dawn that was spreading across the sea they saw great waves casting themselves high into the sky.

  4. The spreading branches of the trees were overgrown with grey moss, and their green leaves were never still, but whispered and trembled as if the wind was blowing on them.

  5. Then the dragon, spreading its wings, rose from the ground like a giant bird, and seizing George and his horse in its claws, flew away with them.

  6. A wide-spreading chestnut-tree stood before them, around whose giant bole a rustic seat had been built.

  7. It has simply been going on from day to day, as natural and quiet as growing--" A bewildering illumination was spreading in her mind.

  8. There was something else which filled his heart with unutterable bitterness, which revealed itself in the hard, thoughtful stare of his dark eyes as he gazed out upon the wide encampment of soldiers spreading itself out in all directions.

  9. The sky was fast darkening, and a deep grayness was spreading from the east.

  10. Yesterday he had observed a smoky haze spreading slowly northward on the lightest of breezes; and it was coming across the Reservation.

  11. And he is spreading some of it with one finger upon the leaf.

  12. Minutes later, they were lost beneath a lattice of spreading green, descending a slope that was leading them away from danger instead of into it.

  13. Chandra dropped the stone, and Biff watched it plummet downward into the courtyard well, where it struck with a splash that sent ripples spreading like a bull's eye.

  14. There, spreading out from the tent, was a small mango tree, with fruit on its branches!

  15. It was almost sundown, and from this central point, the fields and trees looked dark and gaunt against the spreading purple of the sky.

  16. She fled towards the garden behind the farthest precincts of the house, and he overtook her in a walk sheltered from view by a trellis covered with the leaves of a spreading vine.

  17. And presently Narses himself could enjoy from the hill the magnificent spectacle of the approach of the fleet, propelled not only by their spreading sails, but also by their long oars.

  18. The wind no longer sighs, but blusters across the valley, spreading ruin in its path.

  19. Then he told my mother and me," continued Shenac Dhu, spreading out a crushed morsel of paper with hands that trembled.

  20. Abruptly it darkened several million candle-power as Miss Ravenden gave him the most casual of greetings and the curve of a shoulder while she scanned the spreading landscape.

  21. Its wings, spreading over a huge expanse, bore up with unimaginable lightness a bloated and misshapen body.

  22. From what we can reconstruct, a reptile stands forth spreading more than twenty feet of bat-like wings, and bearing a four-foot beak as terrible as a bayonet.

  23. He broke off, a smile of ineffable happiness spreading over his face.

  24. He had caught Mrs. Budlong in the act of spreading jam on a cracker.

  25. Even as he looked with dilating pupils he could see the earth darken with the spreading moisture.

  26. The ladies were screaming, but a swift glance showed Wallie not only Mr. Appel but Mr. Cone and Mr. Budlong with their hands over their mouths and their teeth gleaming between their spreading fingers.

  27. Polly stood quite still, the waves of color spreading over her face.

  28. It was but the matter of a moment for the timorous to witness this and take to flight, spreading the news that the revolution had begun.

  29. He stayed till he heard the tramp of troops coming down--driven out by the spreading flames--and then sprang across the end of the road and dashed along at full speed, still keeping close to the line of tents.

  30. Orders were given to prevent the fire spreading to the Temple, and to clear the ground for an assault against it.

  31. The seed should be dried quickly by spreading it out on a floor or canvas, and it should be stirred at intervals.

  32. The whorls are posteriorly gibbose or tumid at the sutures, and the callus is less spreading than in others of the genus.

  33. A shrub with spreading and rigid branches.

  34. Descended into the plain, and at ten miles came upon another gum creek, spreading over a grassy plain, but could find no water.

  35. Freed from prison life they have gone forth mingling with a class of people infecting them with their scales and spreading disease and death.

  36. The principles of international comity are fast spreading among the nations.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spreading" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    aberration; addition; adjunct; airing; ample; amplification; book; broad; broadcast; broadcasting; capacious; catching; circulation; commodious; communicable; communication; conduction; contagious; convection; crescendo; crescent; deep; delivery; deltoid; deployment; deviation; diffraction; dispensation; dispersal; dispersion; display; dissemination; dissipation; distribution; distributive; divergence; division; endemic; enlargement; epidemic; evaporation; expanding; expansion; expansive; export; expulsion; extended; extension; extensive; extradition; flare; flaring; growing; hiking; import; increase; infectious; infinite; interchange; issue; lengthening; magnification; metastasis; migration; multiplying; open; osmosis; outstretched; pandemic; passage; periodical; pestiferous; printing; progression; propagation; publication; publishing; radiation; raising; rambling; roomy; scattering; separation; spacious; spattering; splay; sporadic; sprawling; spread; sprinkling; swelling; taking; tightening; transfer; transfusion; transit; transition; translation; transmigration; transmission; transmittal; transposition; travel; vast; ventilation; voluminous; wide; widening; widespread