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Example sentences for "hiking"

Lexicographically close words:
hiked; hiker; hikers; hikes; hiki; hilarious; hilariously; hilarity; hild; hilft
  1. It's tough to "pack" a rifle-- Hiking in the Philippines.

  2. You have got to be a Hiker To keep up with these Marines, Not a big four-flush or piker-- Hiking in the Philippines!

  3. The hiking is fine for a soldier, you fill up on dust on the road, And to eat on a dusty stomach makes you feel like any toad.

  4. He'll need a shoe spoon to get inside or by the Sulu fleets, since the oyster has been pretty well neglected these five years, and every official pearler will be hiking down there.

  5. I had an idea she'd be hiking this way the first chance she got.

  6. You know, we thought he looked at us kind of funny when he asked us what we meant to do this morning, hiking out of Hickory Ridge, with our sticks in our hands and some grub in our haversacks.

  7. By parking at the Little Baldy Saddle on the Generals Highway a fine view may be had by hiking a mile and a quarter to the top of the dome.

  8. And there are hundreds of hints to help you with your camping, hiking and other scout activities.

  9. The questions of fires and provisions for hiking are treated at length in the Girl Scout Handbook.

  10. Girl Scouts when hiking along highways should walk in single file on the left hand side of the way, thus giving them an opportunity to see approaching vehicles.

  11. Tents without floors are of course used when hiking or camping for a short time only, or in exceptional climates.

  12. For one mile hiking was comparatively easy.

  13. It was wonderful," Betty told the girls on the hiking club expedition Saturday afternoon.

  14. We could have it a hiking club or a swimming club or even a literary club--for collateral reading.

  15. I think that the Hiking Hoodlums or some pretty name like that would be least revealing of our real object," giggled Mary Emma.

  16. Li had canceled the air reservations without difficulty; he had brought hiking packs for Biff and Kamuka, and he had arranged for shipment of the excess baggage.

  17. Their long detour by jungle paths had delayed them more than he had anticipated, and their heavy hiking of the morning had caused them to loiter, once they were on the Grand Trunk Road.

  18. They found the road that Chandra mentioned, and though it was scarcely more than wheel ruts, the hiking was good along it.

  19. The hiking was pleasant and easy, for there were many shade trees planted along the famous highway, some so tall that they arched across the road.

  20. Hiking Order--In the country, even along unused roads, hike in single file on the left side of the road.

  21. Hiking Hikes are a good way to get this training.

  22. And now, as he watched the others hiking off through the twilight, and heard their laughter, he recalled that it was usually he who was appointed a "committee to stay and watch the boat.

  23. Well, there they were hiking it up over the hills now in quest of gasoline and still joking him.

  24. All the old boys hiking to the beauty parlours.

  25. I can give him a dose of working in a city that will send him hiking back to home and father.

  26. After half an hour of this hiking they came out to an inland pond with canals cut in different directions.

  27. The two scouts kept on hiking until they were so fatigued that they both felt like crying.

  28. His hiking trousers bagged about the tops of his high mountain boots, and his sweater bore the marks of many a camping trip.

  29. I am proud to be able to find my social amusement and social fellowship in such ways as this club employs--in hiking and tramping in the woods and learning Nature's secrets.

  30. I reckon, too, that you'll be answering my questions or you'll be hiking for the Happy Hunting Grounds in about ten minutes from now.

  31. They think it is the Rangers that's chasing them and they'll be hiking for cover at the rate of some miles an hour.

  32. Julie and Joan were complimented upon their prowess, and when Ruth and Betty exchanged places with Amy and Judith, the canoe went on its way up the river, while the other scouts continued hiking back towards camp.

  33. But a dog will go hiking with you, guard you at night from elephants and other prowling animals of the jungle, and be a fine old pal to boot," said Mr. Gilroy.

  34. Oakdale is a good point from which to make hiking trips into the mountains, but the tourist accommodations are limited.

  35. Hiking is a favorite sport the year round, and is the only way many interesting but otherwise inaccessible spots in the Badlands, the Turtle and Killdeer Mountains, and in the many State parks can be reached.

  36. With no good grace, the Master yanked off his own coat and waistcoat, and bent to unstrap his hiking boots.

  37. In planning hiking trips, the following should also be taken into consideration: At higher elevations one sunburns easily and painfully because of the rarity of the atmosphere and intense brightness of the sun.

  38. An average of 2 or 3 miles per hour is good hiking time in the rough park country.

  39. Hiking trips with ranger naturalists are described under that service.

  40. The chalet groups are from 10 to 18 miles apart, but within hiking distance of one another or of the hotels, and provide excellent accommodations for trail tourists.

  41. Because feet swell greatly on a long trip, hiking shoes should be at least a half size larger than street shoes.

  42. Well, we were an hiking it along, sometimes going scout-pace and most of the time jollying Pee-wee, when all of a sudden I noticed a mark on a rock that I was sure was a scout mark.

  43. Ten minutes of constant hiking brought them to a spot where the trail branched into four or five other paths, each winding in a slightly different direction from the others.

  44. They realized that the answering reports had come from afar and that it would take no little hiking to get to them.

  45. Low-heeled street shoes or sneakers will suffice on developed trails, but if you hike off trails, wear hiking boots with thick lug soles to protect against sharp rocks and the spines of desert plants.

  46. Walking Trips and Hiking Besides floating the river, the surest way to experience the “real time” of the park is to walk out into it.

  47. Beyond the short walks, hiking and backcountry options are endless.

  48. To protect yourself, wear stout shoes and tough clothing if you go hiking off the developed trails.

  49. Horseback and hiking trips along the rim rocks and into the canyons lead to spectacular ruins not seen from any of the roads.

  50. All day long Raymond kept his gaze across Black Lake, for he knew that the Bridgeboro boys, hiking it from the Hudson, would come that way; but the hours of the afternoon passed and there were no arrivals.

  51. And I reckon I'd feel like putting up a stiff fight after hiking twenty-four miles over these mountains.

  52. This whole neck of the woods could burn up while I'm hiking twelve miles to call help and twelve more to get back to the blaze.

  53. It is, however, so much better than hiking that your soldier regards transportation thus almost as he would riding in a Pullman at home.

  54. Jason dug hot-cans of trail food out of his hiking pack, Dana did the same with cold-cans of fortified milk, and they sat eating and drinking in silence.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hiking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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